Versatile Blogger Award! For me???


I have very kindly been awarded the Versatile Blogger award from the lovely Mette from Oddparent Thank you so much. So if you haven’t already heard of her pop over and take a look.

Now apparently I have to tell you 7 things about myself………………mmmmm………….Ok here goes:

1. I LOVE chocolate.

2. I am from Northern Ireland now living in Kent with my lovely family.

3. I absolutely HATE spiders!!!!!

4. I served 7 years in the Royal Air Force.

5. Sadly I am now old enough to be a mother of a teenage son ( Oh God where have the years gone!).

6. I have (thankfully) NEVER smoked.

7. Stand By Me is one of my all time favourite films.

So there you have it!

Anyway now the difficult task of nominating others, I thinks it’s supposed to be 15!!! But here’s a few as some that I would have nominated already have the award……







Now I want to hear 7 things I didn’t know about you all.