This is a question I was forced to consider a few weeks ago.
WHY? I hear you ask???????
Simply because my bank account was hacked and sums of £50 and £20 were removed in multiple transactions up to the sum of £600 in one day!!!! This left me overdrawn as there is not much in my account being as I’m a lowly, forced through illness, SAHM!!
Yes I know, it’s a pain in the arse! For a start you have to cancel your card, be asked a million (and some very strange) questions over the phone, wait for a new card to arrive…….meanwhile have no bloody access to your account money.
Oh and then there is the fraud paperwork to fill in – but thankfully you are innocent before being proved guilty and the money was returned to my bank account immediately.
HOWEVER, the question remains…….what would you do with £600 if it landed on your lap?
There would be many things I could stretch that money to cover ( a new laptop would be priority!!) but at NO POINT would I think it would be a good idea to spend it on ONLINE BINGO!!!!! Yes you heard me right…………they hacked my account to the sum of £600 and spent it on online bingo!!!! Mind you it did explain the question that I was asked ‘Do you gamble?’!
Nuff said………………………….
How awful your account was hacked! Hope it all gets sorted pronto 🙂
With £600 I’d buy some designer shoes, an outfit that made me look thin and some chocolate. That would be most of it – the rest I’d spend on lottery tickets and a BigMac for my husband. Sorted.
LOL I’m with you on your choices………….think the Big Mac may be a bit generous though 🙂