No neither am I however, I know a woman who is!!
It all happened over half term when we were invited to and event at the Guinness World Records HQ, and maybe in true Guinness World record style I will round up the day in the fastest time possible!!
Set your watches…………………and here goes:
Arrive GWR HQ
Meet and greet with other lovely bloggers
Eat some yummy food
Meet Worlds Biggest rabbit, Darius
Listen to Craig Glenday our very funny host for the day
Watch a few pics of weird record breakers
Demonstration by the World’s Fastest talker
Demonstration by John Farnborough
Tour around office
Sam Sam The Bubble man
More Tea and food
Attempt at breaking world record
Watch a real life Record breaker at work
Ride on the world’s fastest sofa
PHEW………..done it but it doesn’t do it justice!
We really did have a fantastic day and it was just as enjoyable for the adults too. It was lovely to meet some lovely bloggers to Rosie Scribble, Violet Posey, How I like my Coffee, Jo Beaufoix , Are we nearly there yet Mummy, Sticky Fingers and I am Wit Wit Woo .
The World’s largest rabbit , Darius, was a real hit with the kids who swarmed it initially
and then we all got to get up close.

Craig Glenday the Editor-in-chief who was our main host for the afternoon was just brilliant. A real funny guy who was simply a mind of information with everything World Record related. He talked us through how they approve (or not) any new attempts- even the weird ones.
Sean, from Canada who is the world’s fastest talker was amazing and managed to recite ‘Bohemian Rhapsody in just 47 seconds!!
John Farnborough was a real hit with his football skills, although I think the adults appreciated this more as they knew how difficult it was. He holds a total of 5 world records for ‘keepy uppy’ ( not the technical title obviously) style football tricks!!
Not forgetting Sam Sam the Bubble man!! He did a great show and the kids absolutley loved him although some just couldn’t contain their excitement with the huge bubble…….just hilarious.
Oh and did I mention I now know a real Record Breaker? Yes I witnessed it with my own eyes that day as Kate from I am Wit Wit Woo became the world record holder for Domino Stacking!! No easy feat I can tell you. Other attempts from the rest of us were at Dice Stacking and Mr Potato Head ( putting him together the quickest!)

So, just as though we thought it couldn’t get any better we managed a ride on the World’s fastest Sofa! A real highlight of the day, we loved it.

So a big thank you to the Guiness World Records HQ for a fantastic event!
Disclosure: I was sent a 2012 GWR book and my children left with fab gift bags!! So they were very happy.