Tennis is one of those sports that you either love or hate. I don’t think there is an in between and you definitely need to know the game and scoring to get the full enjoyment from watching a game.
Although I am now in my *cough* forties I actually started to watch Wimbledon from the age of 16 or 17. My era of players were Becker/ Lendl/ Edburg/ Graf and Navratalova. I thought that era of tennis was exciting to watch, there were great rallies, different styles of shots, coming into the net more and a lot of variety which made watching the games exciting.
Then along came Sampras! Not that he doesn’t deserve his titles, the man was a machine, strong, fast and obviously unbeatable.
However, tennis then became boring. It became all about the biggest strongest serve and Ace after Ace…………not my idea of a match in any description. It became dull and not worth watching no matter how great the players were.
I have started to get back to it in the last few years. It certainly has had something to do with following Andy Murray’s progress through the ranks and tournaments. He has completely outranked the likes of Henman and Rudedski in my eyes. He is serious about his game and unbelievable competitive.
His game is very like the era of tennis I used to watch, a lot of the great players now are fabulous to watch, Nadal, Federer, Djokovic and lots, lots more.
This years Wimbledon has been amazing to watch. I have always watched the women as their game, with exception of the Williams sisters, have always been interesting to watch- especially now that they have almost stopped the grunt and scream with every shot!
This year I have been able to catch most matches, although I had to record the men’s semi-final as I was here and was so chuffed to escape hearing the score and watched the game the next morning. It has been, exciting, riveting and interesting tennis to watch and long may it last.
So now my aim is to eventually grab a seat in centre court for one of the big matches ( yeah dream on LOL) so I’m relying on winning the lottery between now and next June!
I have just had one of the best weekends of my life! What’s more I was able to enjoy it with my OH and 2 boys who seemed to enjoy it at much as me.
We spent the weekend in Henley on Thames camping at the Rewind festival 2011. Having never been to a festival of any kind before it really was a new experience all round. I have never seen so many campers and tents in one place in all my life!!
And this was the ‘quieter’ field!!
We decided to go Friday and try to include some of the extras that were on offer before the music filled days………..that way we wouldn’t have to miss any of the bands on Saturday and Sunday. However, we were late leaving (as organised as ever) and then had to tackle the M25 on a Friday afternoon ( you can see were this is going!!) and then sat in a 5mile tail back just to get onto the camp!!
Once there it was pretty much a free for all. There were already lots and lots…………………and lots of people already pitched and settled ( I was so bloody jealous at that point and mumbling under my breath why we are never that organised!) As we couldn’t get a trolley cart to help with the baggage, the queue was humongous, so we decided to grab the tent and find a pitch and at least get the tent up (which is no easy feat in itself) and that way we could come back for the rest……………………..which really is a lot as we never learn to travel light!
The gear minus our duvet and pillows which we nearly forgot!!
And then the tent of course!!!!
After traipsing all around the world, or so it felt, we eventually found the ‘Family field’ that was already full and not all with families!! We eventually ended up in a field that was closer to the car park and certainly had more room between tents without being squashed in like sardines. We trooped on and sorted the tent which isn’t easy peasy at the best of times without a hinderer like me helping (but not in a good way). Anyway all hands on deck and it was sorted and I left the boys to ferry the rest of the gear back from the car as I cooked the dinner!!
still haven’t quite got sorted as you can see and it was getting dark!!
At that point the plan of enjoying the extras ie: silent disco etc had gone out the window. But at 10pm we thought what the hell- lets go grab a cold beer and have a wander. The kids were up for it with a promise of a go on the amusements!! I’m so glad we did as we came across these peeps:-
brill costumes and they were soo nice to the boys too
Eventually we fell into bed around midnight totally exhausted. But all was great in the morning as we had a lay in and we woke up to a glorious morning. We topped that with a fab cooked breakfast which set us up for the day ahead.
nothing like a cooked brekkie when your camping…..YUM!
That was before the impending doom of the rain clouds that were quickly approaching. We ended up like this…….
There’s Pimms in that there cup! The rain didn’t dampen my drinking LOL
Soooo not funny!!!! However, someone was definitely looking down on us as the sun eventually came out and we enjoyed a great day with totally fab music.
Billy Ocean was absolutley FAB!!!
Howard Jones one of my absolute fav’s did a fantastic set but didn’t play ‘Hide and Seek’…….how very dare he!!!!!
Bananarama were brill…….very funny in between songs too. The crowd loved them!
Ohh I do love a firework display…….yes sad I know!!
That night finished with Holly Johnson’s rendition of ‘The Power of Love’ and a fireworks display thrown in for good measure.
We trudged back to the camp exhausted and cold and fell into bed pretty much comatosed!!
Sunday…………..and it was all to come again. But we were more organised this time. We packed for all eventualities, coats, ponchos, sun cream, hats, umbrella ( for rain or shine!) and some sneaky Pimms to boot!
Spot the festival welly socks….minus the welly’s that I had to take off it was so warm!
Me and OH grooving!!
Our sky that evening……stunning!
Boys will be boys!
That night finished with The Human League, not my favourite by a long shot and really would have liked Kim Wilde to have finished the night as the crowd completely ‘rocked’ when she was on. as well as The Village People ( don’t laugh) they really had the crowd going, even the security guys up the front were doing the YMCA!!!!!
The boys today were in full festival mode, singing to the crowd karaoke and rocking with their Glo sticks in the evening.
That’s us screaching…..’We’re the kids in America’!!!!!!!!
The Human League…..great set just not my cup of tea!!!
Sadly we trudged back to our tent with the knowledge that we had to be up at 5.30am to pack up and be away early as my youngest was going to be on a course that day ( such bad planning on my part!!). So after not sleeping a wink I was up to this view making tea at 5.30………………………….lovely in an odd sort of way.
Truly gorgeous, calm and quiet!!
Surprisingly, we were packed and on the road by 8.45am ( how would have thought it) very impressive as it’s no easy feat with two whingy boys to get up and fed and ready!!
However, chatting in the car on the way home and playing one of our 80’s CD’s we asked the boys who they liked:- 13 yr old…………Nik Kershaw!! Haircut 100!!! Kim Wilde ( although not sure he should admit that to his friends) Village People ( definitely not mentioning that one!!!)
10 yr old………….Billy Ocean ( good choice as he was fab) Go west!! Village People!!! ( really he won’t live it down!!)
When asked if they would go again it was a resounding …………………YES!!
They loved the ‘grunge”….. not showering for days, eating cooked breakfasts and staying up very late!! I thought the ‘grunge’ would be too much for me to bear ( festival camping is a whole other experience than normal camping…………don’t get me started on the porta loos………………….that could really scar you for life!!!)
However, I never knew ‘dirty’ could be soooo much fun!!
Needless to say after a coma style sleep when we got back my shower has never felt so good.
So here’s to next year! ( oh forgot OH has a leave ban from mid June through to September due to the Olympics…………………..Ok I think he feels a sicky coming on already……………………….ssshhhhhh don’t tell anyone!! LOL