It was Monday evening, the last night before the holidays for the weekly cub/scout meetings. Both my boys are in scouts however my OH helps in cubs and my youngest likes to go in to show off to his mates help also.
My eldest hates going up early (so bloody lazy) and so we tend to let him stay behind and this week he was getting a lift from a friend with his son. Not a problem we thought. He often opts to stay at home while I nip out with my youngest. A bit of responsibility or sneaky PlayStation/computer time. We were all young once so I know all the tricks!
Anyway the above mentioned teenager was left the responsibility of closing the door behind him and locking it. Not a major issue I hear you say. This is the boy who is going into year 9 in September, a boy who walks to school and home again on his own.
The fore mentioned teenager had the security issues explained to him and I was even kind enough to write it on a note as he has some short term memory issues. Nothing major he’s just a bit of a Dory ( you know from Nemo???). It’s kind of funny on occasion.
Anyway, he arrived at the scout hall to give me his keys and mention that he forgot to double lock the door!!!! SEE WHAT I MEAN!!!!
However he laughingly said to me ‘ Don’t worry mum I shut it I just forgot to double lock it like you said’. Ok I though not a major problem, I will be home in about 45 mins.
So we finished the cubs meeting and headed home about 8.15pm.
It was chucking it down with rain so I jumped from the car and opened the porch……………….
Not just opened a bit, or closed but not properly (if you know what I mean) but actually wide open as though a furniture delivery had turned up and were about to try and fit a sofa through the door!!!
That’s when the freak out occurred.
Shit……….what if someone is in there?
Shit……….what if someone has been in there and left us with nothing????
Shit……….what if squatters have taken residence and we cannot get our home back ??
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT…………..Like I said that’s when the freak out occurred!
Thankfully my OH is ‘Plod’ and very level headed. Thankfully he was there otherwise I think I would have hyperventilated on the spot…… you can tell I’m not great in a crisis.
He went in and we were relieved to find our telly still there, my son’s laptop was still there, my bloody fridge freezer was still there……………..oh and the moggy was still there too!!!!!
Thank God it had been raining ( I’m sure burglars must check the weather forecast before going out) I will never complain about the rain again………..honest.
As predicted words were had and low and behold ‘ It wasn’t me’ followed by a huge meltdown!!!
Followed by ‘ I don’t care’!!
Disappointed doesn’t even cover it……………………………so what happens now?
How do we get him to take responsibility seriously?
This is a boy who has lost…………..his phone on a school field
……………a full PE kit at school
……………a wet weather coat
……………a lab coat
……………his new Ipod touch (8 weeks old)
……………and now our trust!!!!!
All in the space of a few months, so where do we go from here?
Any help or advice would be most welcome……..please.