Panto’s are like marmite…………you either love it or hate it. I LOVE it and always have. I have been taking my boys since they were little and this year they are 11 and 13 and are still very happy to go.
This year we have Panto overload. Not only are we going to see our usual one ( this time it has Craig Revel Hall and Ann Widdecombe so should be a giggle) but my youngest is now in one!! Yes, he is a lost boy in Peter Pan down in Chatham with Mr ‘Ice Ice Baby’ himself.
Rehearsals started at the beginning of the week and are in full swing, but thankfully we have a day off tomorrow…….YAY!
It opens next Thursday and at the moment it’s hard to see how they are going to get the show together in time. It’s interesting to see it from the other side and therefore appreciate how much work goes into it.
So we as a family have booked to go see him in it over the Christmas holidays and my Mum is up over Christmas so I have booked more tickets to go on Boxing Day too!!
So by the end of it’s run I think I will be shouting ‘BOO ‘and ‘Behind you’ in my sleep. The jokes will no longer be funny and I will probably be able to act all the parts myself ( OK maybe not the singing as I am rubbish).
So wish me luck to survive the experience, and ‘break a leg’ to my son as I’m sure he will be a fab Lost Boy……………………………………..OH YES HE WILL!
Parents reveal the top tricks they still use to get their kids to eat their greens
Hiding veggies, bribing with dessert, and creating pictures still used by modern day parents
It’s an age old struggle for parents around the world. How do you get your kids to eat their vegetables instead of pushing them around their plates, hoping you’ll give up?
Well, according to a new poll out today, classic tricks and old fashioned subterfuge are still being used by parents, with number one on the list the simple camouflaging of veg within other foods and sauces.
Second on the list is the threat of no dessert if veggies aren’t eaten first, while third was telling children that vegetables would give them special powers such as the old ‘carrots will help you see in the dark’, or ‘spinach will give you muscles as big as Popeye’.
Further down the list were rewarding children for polishing off their greens with toys and stickers, making it into a competition between siblings and friends as to who can eat their veggies first, and telling their children their favourite superheroes or characters loves their vegetables.
And it’s no surprise parents are going to such lengths still to get vegetables into their children in any way they can, with only half of all children eating veggies willingly and one in ten actively avoiding them, according to the survey of more than 1,000 parents by Green Giant.
Four out of five parents admitted their children don’t get their advised five portions of fruit and veg a day, while one in five parents will allow their children to leave their veggies – sometimes just to avoid the stress that goes hand in hand with meal times when vegetables are involved. A number of parents stated that their children eat vegetables so rarely that they feel elated if they even eat a mouthful. In turn, parents can spend on average up to two hours on top of mealtimes each week trying to prompt their children to eat their vegetables.
So how difficult is it for you to get your kids to eat what they should and what tactics do you use to get them into your children? Colin Jackson always ate his vegetables when he was a youngster and was told by his mum that if he did, he would grow up to be a World Champion athlete and Olympic Medalist…..and we know how that story ends!
Colin has joined with Green Giant to help parents come up with ways to educate their kids on healthy eating and even get them to grow to love their veggies.
I managed to get some questions put to Colin Jackson about getting involved with Green Giant’s initiative to help encourage parents to make sure their children are getting their 5 a day!!
How did you become involved with the Green Giant 5 a day initiative?
‘I’m heavily into my dieting so when they explained the whole concept it was an obvious choice for me- I felt I could be an ambassador’
So as a world class athlete, do you follow a healthy diet yourself?
‘Reasonably, your needs are different now. Now I’m not so exclusive and happy to have a little more pasta and a little more treats. But a lifetime of healthy eating has stayed with me.’
What do you think of mums and dads who disguise fruit and vegetables to encourage kids to get their 5 a day?
‘I think it’s a great idea-if it works-wonderful’.
What fruit and vegetables, do you now as an adult, still refuse to eat?
There’s no real fruit I don’t like and even vegetables……I even eat brussel sprouts! I’m not fearful of any fruit or veg’.
How did your mum encourage you to eat more fruit and vegetables as a child?
‘Putting me in front of the TV and saying- Look what Popeye is eating!! Also I’ve always wanted to visit the land of the Jolly Green Giant!’
One of my tricks is to blend fruit I know they would generally refuse to eat, raspberries being one of them, and mixing them into natural yogurt!! It works too and especially if I allow them to sprinkle on a little sugar!
So what tricks do you use on your children to get them to have their 5 a day?
It all happened over half term when we were invited to and event at the Guinness World Records HQ, and maybe in true Guinness World record style I will round up the day in the fastest time possible!!
Set your watches…………………and here goes:
Arrive GWR HQ
Meet and greet with other lovely bloggers
Eat some yummy food
Meet Worlds Biggest rabbit, Darius
Listen to Craig Glenday our very funny host for the day
Watch a few pics of weird record breakers
Demonstration by the World’s Fastest talker
Demonstration by John Farnborough
Tour around office
Sam Sam The Bubble man
More Tea and food
Attempt at breaking world record
Watch a real life Record breaker at work
Ride on the world’s fastest sofa
PHEW………..done it but it doesn’t do it justice!
We really did have a fantastic day and it was just as enjoyable for the adults too. It was lovely to meet some lovely bloggers to Rosie Scribble, Violet Posey, How I like my Coffee, Jo Beaufoix , Are we nearly there yet Mummy, Sticky Fingers and I am Wit Wit Woo .
The World’s largest rabbit , Darius, was a real hit with the kids who swarmed it initially
and then we all got to get up close.
Yes nearly as big as a normal dog!
Craig Glenday the Editor-in-chief who was our main host for the afternoon was just brilliant. A real funny guy who was simply a mind of information with everything World Record related. He talked us through how they approve (or not) any new attempts- even the weird ones.
Sean, from Canada who is the world’s fastest talker was amazing and managed to recite ‘Bohemian Rhapsody in just 47 seconds!!
John Farnborough was a real hit with his football skills, although I think the adults appreciated this more as they knew how difficult it was. He holds a total of 5 world records for ‘keepy uppy’ ( not the technical title obviously) style football tricks!!
Not forgetting Sam Sam the Bubble man!! He did a great show and the kids absolutley loved him although some just couldn’t contain their excitement with the huge bubble…….just hilarious.
Oh and did I mention I now know a real Record Breaker? Yes I witnessed it with my own eyes that day as Kate from I am Wit Wit Woo became the world record holder for Domino Stacking!! No easy feat I can tell you. Other attempts from the rest of us were at Dice Stacking and Mr Potato Head ( putting him together the quickest!)
Me and OH with matching competitive streaks!
Youngest doing Mr Potato challenge!
Eldest trying the Dice Stacking
So, just as though we thought it couldn’t get any better we managed a ride on the World’s fastest Sofa! A real highlight of the day, we loved it.
I know it’s dark……..but it’s the FASTEST SOFA!!!
So a big thank you to the Guiness World Records HQ for a fantastic event!
Disclosure: I was sent a 2012 GWR book and my children left with fab gift bags!! So they were very happy.
As mentioned in a previous post here the mere mention of the word ‘diet’ throws me into a state of panic which makes me end up eating more than I had previously! Thus leaving me with muffin tops, or should I say ‘family sized cakes’ that even Mary Berry herself would be proud of.
So a decision was made to try ‘portion control’ as opposed to cutting out certain foods to see if that helped instead. That alongside the fact that I had been offered the chance to try the new Thinking Slimmer Slimpods that I had heard so much about via Twittershere!
So I opted for the ‘Drop a dress Size’ although it had been initially intended for me to try the ‘Drop a Jean Size’ however this wasn’t available online at the time, but it is now. I also took the opportunity to try the Chillpod they do, as lets face it unless you really are Mother Teresa in disguise who doesn’t need to chill out a little when they have kids!!
Excitedly I downloaded my new Slimpods onto my Ipod and chose to start listening to them everyday in the evening before I go to bed.
The premise is that you listen to the slimpod for 21days consecutively and then start listening to the booster pod after that for another 21 consecutive days, and then as and when you need it afterwards.
Now I’m a firm believer in mind over matter anyway ( although harder to put into practice) and love all forms of alternative healing and medicines. So this really is right up my street.
I started on Tuesday 6th September, as I felt it was a great new start as kids were starting back to school and our whole routine was about to change anyway.
I am very proud to say that since that date I have not a biscuit, crisp or a smidge of chocolate has passed my lips!! I am truly amazed, not because I have unbelievable willpower ( otherwise I would have a figure like Cheryl Cole!) but it’s been more of a feeling of not really wanting them…………….I know I’m still shocked! I have found myself saying ‘No’ to stuff before I have really thought about whether I want it or not. Now don’t get me wrong if I really had a craving for something I would have it, but then be safe in the knowledge that I would simply go back to not craving them and saying ‘No’ again.
Today I put on a pair of size 10 linen trousers that had over the summer become extremely snug to say the least, pretty much making me resemble the Michelin man with his several spare tyres……..I kid you not! But today, they were still a bit tight but I could feel the difference with them. They were comfortable for a start and I didn’t get the feeling that my knickers were going to disappear up my arse never to return again! Surely that’s a step in the right direction.
A VPL I don’t want to replicate!!
Don’t get me wrong I haven’t got shed loads to lose. I have generally been a size 8-10 for a long time but now my size 10’s are cutting off my circulation and leaving unsightly bulges in all the inappropriate places. Totally not a good look!
So there you have it, Day 10 of my Thinking Slimmer challenge and at the moment I am totally convinced this is the way to go for me. I am not able to exercise due to my M.E so I have to make do with a little ironing or an odd bit of hoovering to push my activity levels up more than normal.
I shall continue and update you all again after my initial 21 days. keep you fingers crossed the weight will come off.
In the meantime check it out for yourself at or find them on Twitter and Facebook too.
I have not received payment for this post however I was sent the Slimpods free of charge to trial. All opinions in this post are my own.