I’ve certainly been asking myself that for a while now. I’m a mum of 2 boys but they are now 20 and 17 (almost18), finding their own independence, as one is at uni and the other is at 6th form and also working a part time job. I have been married for 24 years and my hubby is a shift worker so that means I now spend the majority of my time alone! Due to my illness and chronic pain I’m no longer able to work a conventional job (I was a driving instructor), but I’m lucky that blogging and running social media accounts can be done in pj’s even on a bad day if necessary.
Yet when the boys where younger my life was busy (illness or not) with after school clubs, kids parties, meeting up with friends in the holidays etc, and although I am still officially a taxi service, a cook and a bank, my life is much more subdued. That in itself gives you time…………………..LOTS of time! Time to ponder and think about your own role in life. Yes I am still a wife and a mum but I am also ME. So, with 48 looming very quickly (and my hubby turning 50 last year!) I am starting to think about my time. How do I want to spend my time now my kids are off doing their own thing most of the time? Read more
Life begins at 40 is what they say. People can start new things, try new things, and start to get some of their lives back as the children start to get older. For some it can be new relationships, new house, new country even.
I’m not sure what has happened to me since I turned 40 almost 2 yrs ago. Things have changed for me in so many ways:
*I now have a long term illness that stops me from working and makes me quite dependant on others around me
* After years of stating I would NEVER camp I now am a complete camping covert
* I am now old enough to have both of my children at Secondary school ( from September)
* I am now the owner of 2 cats- after never being a ‘cat lover’!
* I have now started knitting and LOVE it
* I know walk using a walking stick!
* I now LOVE to go FISHING!!!!
I know I know there must be something seriously wrong!
The tip of my fishing rod with a passing duck!!My first catch………..no laughing allowed!Each one is getting bigger……YAY
We headed out after the youngest went to school and set up, it was a lovely day and very peaceful. In fact I didn’t want to leave and have already booked my next trip out on the calendar!!
Crazy things can start to happen when you turn 40…………BE WARNED PEOPLE………BE WARNED!
I became a mother of a 14yr old!! ( can you feel the pain?)
That means I have to accept I am now OLD enough to have a 14yr old- not quite sure how that happened to be honest. One minute he was a bundle of gurgles and poo, I have watched him learn to walk and talk, ride a bike, go to school, learn to read and write. I remember his little words when he couldn’t say things properly:
‘Daddy where’s my scoobydriver?’ meaning screwdriver!!
Yesterday I was hit with the hammer of truth and it nearly knocked me out. I HAVE A 14YR OLD!!
The candles say it all- it was nearly a fire hazard!
This week has passed with the blink of an eye!! Really I feel as though I stepped on a speeding train and forgot to get off. Lets face it life has been a bit of a whirlwind since the kids have gone back to school.
It started with Friday 23rd being my youngest sons 11th birthday. bless him he had done the 11+ test that week and was so glad to get it all over that he really couldn’t wait for his big day!
Yes shock of all shocks he had to go to school on his birthday! Life is so hard.
Now for some reason he though we might let him have the day off……..but we are bad parents and made him go to school anyway! But he had a great day there and had some lovely pressies from his good friends. That night he was going to milk it for all he was worth so we had present opening….
Followed by dinner out…………..TGI’s being his choice……………
Followed by cake…………………………….yum!!
Who doesn’t love chocolate caterpillar cake!!
Before all this we had a discussion on what he wanted to do for his birthday. A disco, cinema with some friends, a sleepover, Quasar, all the usual stuff. But although he loves to go to a party and is extremely sociable he wanted a day with the family……………..FISHING!!!!
one of his catches!
But the week didn’t stop there………..oh no. We had 2 secondary school visits, a doctors appointment, a dreded dentist appointment, all afterschool classes ( scouts, boys football/youth club, dance class, drama class) amongst all the usual shopping, washing, ironing……………….yes I know a familiar story to you all!!
Then came a last minute audition for my youngest up at Covent Garden which then re arranged all our plans to meet up with friends to take the kids all swimming ( while we catch up on the gossip!). So OH went one way and me and my youngest went another. Then on to friends for dinner, drinking, gossiping and far too late a night ( which was fab!) and then a hideouslyearly morning to get both boys to Scouts for a day Power Boating activity at Whitstable!! It was the hottest day of the so called summer! The boys were away. We had the day to ourselves………..so what did we do……………………………….FISHING!!!
Now this is where I know I am being mentally affected by the pace of life!! I have the choice of what to do, a day out without kids, a whole day to do what we wanted……………and i chose fishing!!!!
Most people get a misd life crisis, indulge in implants,face lifts, radical hair do’s, wearing skirts that are too short or tops that are too low……………………………………………..Oh no not me………………I go fishing!!!!!
Someone save me from this insanity!!!!!!! I need to get out more……………..or drink more………………….or both!!!!