So I thought that maybe she would have grown out of the ‘wool stealing’ phase when she grew from a kitten to a cat. WRONG!
I am an avid knitter and crocheter and generally have wool all over the place. My older cat who is over five has never, even as a kitten, paid much interest in my wool stash. She would get up beside me an be fascinated by the needles working and the strand of wool moving but that was it. My youngest cat who is now around two is a total wool addict ( like me) and wool stalker and has been since she entered our house!
I have a granny square style blanket on the go that I am making out of all my wool scraps, and I keep all the wool and the squares in a carry box and I now cover it with a towel to help stop her temptation…………………………………………………this however is all in vain.
Quite often I will come in from somewhere and see imediately that she has taken 2 or 3 balls all the way upstairs ( 2 flights) and the wool strands are all up the stairs and landing as proof. This week however, she really upped her game and my husband thought it was so funny he left it for me to see…………
Yes we are one of those people who attracts all the nutters in animal form, don’t ask me how but it always happens.
The latest to our collection is our nutty tortoise neighbour, who constantly tries to get in our garden, has an aversion to trainers and will attack on sight. Now this would be totally unpleasant if the neighbour was actually human but alas this one is a fabulous feisty tortoise.
It has lived next door for the whole 17yrs we have been in our house. He even went missing for a year or two before turning up out of nowhere when they were re landscaping their garden. However, this week his perseverance has gone through the roof as my husband has been working at replacing our fencing between their house and ours.
This particular tortoise will stop at nothing to get in the garden as this picture shows:
He spent ages trying to get through this space getting himself on his side to get through in the end.
I do have a wool obsession and I totally admit to it- but this time I’m not talking about me!
I have 2 cats at the moment and had another before the youngest came but he unfortunately is no longer with us. My eldest cat Tilly, is 5yrs old and during that time I have always been a knitter, this means I have stashed wool everywhere, and I mean everywhere. However, not once has she bothered to even take it under her notice. Our second cat George when he was alive only bothered when I was actually trying to knit as the slight movement of the ball of wool would be too tempting.
Now our youngest cat, Minnie is a total minx. Not only does she love a ball of wool but she can sniff them out at a hundred paces and can find them and take them for a walk wherever I try to hide them and believe me I really do have to hide them now.
The answer for us is YES. We did in fact get a rescue kitten in January and she is a complete sweetheart, friendly, loves cuddling and continually sits on my lap or lays on me in bed!
I defy you not to fall in love with her!
Last week I had the opportunity to visit Battersea dog and Cats Home for a chat and a tour of their cattery. My OH was supposed to come with me but had to work last minute instead but he left me with a parting message………… DO NOT BRING ANYTHING HOME!! He knows me far too well.
So the event started off with a chat from a few peeps from Bob Martin who are now in partnership with Battersea Dog and Cats home and provide their cattery with all their cat litter……….. tons of it as you can imagine.
Yesterday morning we found our beautiful ‘Gorgeous George’ ( our 19 month old cat) across the street after a missing night. Unfortunately he had been knocked down and killed.
I grabbed him in my arms wrapped him in a blanket and balled my eyes out for an hour and a half on the kitchen floor just giving him a cuddle.
He looked so tiny, untouched with injuries and in a peaceful sleeping position. I had my eldest at home as he was ill and off school who was just an emotional mess alongside me.
We cried, cuddled, cried and cuddled until we knew we had to do something with him. I had phoned my OH but was uncontrollable and just heard words about popping him down in the shed until he managed to get home. My youngest was at school totally oblivious to what had happened, so we wanted to keep him there until everyone had said their goodbyes.
My son and I must have gone down and seen him several times, each time having a good cry and just feeling so sorry for him as he was just a little one!
I had to brake the news to my youngest when he came in and then had another emotional trip to the shed so he could see him.
When my OH got home we decided that we couldn’t bury him in the garden so we opted to have him cremated via the vets.
So with our last goodbyes my OH and I took him and left him at the vets…………………this was so heartbreaking I cannot even put it in words.
We are lucky enough to have another slightly older cat though so this is great for all of us, but she hasn’t been herself since George went missing. She keeps looking for him, following us, sitting at the back window watching for him- it breaks my heart.
I just don’t know why we do it to ourselves!! It’s just a cat I can hear some of you saying– Er no, he was my little baby, totally part of our family and full of his own character……..SO NO HE WASN’T JUST A CAT!!!
R.I.P My little ‘Gorgeous George’ – We loved you loads and miss you terribly!
in his cage in the pet shop as we chose himI could just not resist his little face and to my OH’s horror refused to leave the shop without him!
We bought him on our anniversary – St Georges Day so we aptly named him George, or Gorgeous George!!
This was our most up to date picture taken only weeks ago and featured in My Silent Sunday posts.
As regulars will know I have 2 cats- one 2 yr old and a 16wk old kitten. So I jumped at the chance recently to review some of the available ‘cat scratcher’ toys that are on the market thanks to PetPlan, the Uk’s leading pet insurer, who asked me to take part in a Pet Toy Test in order for them to put the best toy up for a competition prize on their PetPlan Uk Facebook page.
The toys were quickly delivered and this is what I received:
As you can see the one in the middle is the traditional style cat scratch post, while the ones on either side are new to me- made of cardboard and look to be recyclable, and come complete with a bag of catnip to use with it. The idea for the review was to test the toys and discover which one I liked as a pet owner and also which one the cats preferred!!
As an owner I will be honest and say that I like to pay for things that will last, so the traditional style immediately got my vote!
However after having the toys in place for a few days it was easy to see which of the posts both my cats preferred:
My 2 yr old checking it out immediately!
Just checking it works LOL!!
The kitten getting his turn!
So I have to admit that I have fully changed my mind. Lets face it if you have kids or pets and you want a happy time then you tend to go with the things that they like! I haven’t even had to use the extra bag of catnip to keep them interested.
My only concern is that the cardboard ones obviously are not going to last forever or even as long as the traditional style. The ones I have been sent have already taken a battering.
But on the plus side they are very portable, recyclable, small so do not become an obstruction and to be honest in my local pet store they are available for around £7 so really don’t break the bank!
Lets face it how much would you pay for your cats not to scratch up your curtains/ furniture or sofas?
******So pop over to the Petplan UK Facebook page for your chance to win one and see how your cats love it!******
DISCLAIMER: all views are my own and I did not receive payment for this review
Note: Petplan has provided me with these toys as part of their Pet Toy Test review programme. Visit the Petplan UK Facebook page for more information and a chance to win the winning toy!
He may be cute but he has put the original terrorist firmly in her place!!
Not quite up to socially terrorising just yet, he skulks and strikes when you least expect it.
Look away if you are of a nervous disposition…………YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Hopefully you didn’t need to change your underwear ( sorry if you did!).
Now I know what you are thinking ( yes I’m good at that) how on earth could this little bundle of cuteness possible cause any trouble?
Was I right?? Go on tell me I was right.
Anyway, this little devil does allsorts of things to make your hair curl, and that’s without mentioning what his other end is capable of ( I have spared you the photographic proof- you will thank me in the end).
His new game is:
Yes you guessed it ‘ How many squares of paper are on this roll’!!
Then he will be sitting literally feet away looking at you:
Like butter wouldn’t melt. Well I know different buddy.
And this is before he is able to go out into the big wide world!! God help next door’s cats when he gets his freedom in a few weeks time!!
Warning to the neighbourhood………….LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS!!
Yesterday was my 18th ( yes you read it right) wedding anniversary. I became Mrs B at the age of 23 after meeting in the Royal Air force. To be honest you don’t think of how long you are going to be together, back then you got married and that was that. It was taken for granted that you would be together forever.
We have had lots of ups and downs just like any couple.In reality being married is never a bed of roses. But whatever we have had to deal with along the way he has always been there, he’s chilled, he goes with the flow, dependable ( meaning not very spontaneous!) and reliable.
Anyway, back to the best anniversary ever. We saw the boys off to school and had decided to take a drive down to Tunbridge Wells for a wander and a nice pub lunch.
So it started with these:
18 red roses for 18 years- gorgeous!
Then when we arrived at Tunbridge it was this:
Vanilla Lattes and Tiffin!
Then after a lovely mooch around the shops and town it was time for:
Of course mines was the G&T as OH was driving! YAY
Early I know but it did accompany a lovely plate of pub grub which I actually forgot to take a picture of.
Up until then I had a really lovely relaxed time but things were about to take a turn in a strange direction.
Earlier during our meander we happened upon a great little pet shop ( can you see where I’m going with this), were we had seen some lovely little KITTENS! As regulars will know I already have one cat who totally rules our house and is treated like a princess even though she is only 2 yrs old. Anyway, there had been an unwanted litter brought into the shop on Friday at exactly 8 weeks old. There were only 3 left, a little black and white one and 2 tabby’s.
So, to cut a long story short- AND TO BE HONEST I STILL DON’T KNOW HOW I GOT Mr B TO AGREE- we ended up bringing this one home!
Anyway, we got him and brought him home ( and who said Mr B wasn’t spontaneous?) and because we were married on St Georges Day we thought that George was a fitting name for him. How can you resist the cuteness.
Today has been a lot better and they are still checking each other out- but he needs to leave her food alone or she will be having serious words.
But the day hadn’t finished there, oh no. My eldest ( now 14) decided to make us a celebration cake complete with decoration icing and yummy buttercream.
Decorated in the RAF emblem as that is were we met……..aaahhh!TOTALLY DELICIOUS!
That brings me back to my original statement……….BEST ANNIVERSARY EVER!
Normally, this day is usually marred each year as I married on my dad’s birthday and he passed away almost 10yrs ago. Really my anniversary hasn’t been the same since. However, this year for whatever reason I was determined for Mr B’s sake that it wouldn’t take over the day. It was difficult but worth it.
So now we have to go some to make next years anniversary even better……………… I stay away from pet shops next time.
I think kids and pets go together like ‘bread and butter’,’salt and pepper’, ‘sponge and custard’ and not top mention ‘Gin and Tonic’ (that could be just me). Anyway, there aren’t many families that I know of that have no pets at all especially if they do have kids.
I don’t know about you but the pets tend to become an extension of our kids anyway. Oh yes we could happily scream when they pee on the floor ( that’s the pets I mean but lets face it the kids when they are toddlers are just as bad!!), but we would hate to see them ill or suffer in any way especially if it is preventable.
So read below for details of a web TV show for all you dog lovers especially on how to keep our beloved four legged friends safe and healthy!
Vets’ Surgery Live
Log on to our special web TV show coming live from the Blue Cross Animal Hospital, where vet Luke Gamble and former Blue Peter presenter Peter Purves will discuss how to keep your dogs safe and healthy
Poorly pets can cause families huge distress, particularly when the ailments are avoidable. In a special Vets’ Surgery Live, TV vet Luke Gamble and Blue Peter favourite Peter Purves will be answering questions from pet owners live from Blue Cross Animal Hospital.
As part of Be Lungworm Aware month, Luke and Peter are helping dog owners spot the causes and symptoms of the potentially fatal parasite, as well as how to avoid it. They will be taking questions and offering their top tips on how to keep your dogs happy and healthy. A live lungworm examination will also help pet owners spot the signs that their pooch needs treating.
Lungworm (A. vasorum) is a parasite that dogs become infected with through eating slugs and snails which carry the larvae of the parasite. Once inside the dogs system, the parasite travels through the lungs, ending up in the heart. If the infection is left untreated, the dog’s health can rapidly deteriorate, and can be fatal.
Recent research shows 36% of vets confirming a diagnosis of the potentially fatal parasite in practices across the UK. This has more than doubled since a survey in 2008, when the figure was 16%. This increase can be attributed to various factors including climate change making for milder conditions so that infected slugs and snails can survive for longer.
And there is concern from vets that despite the increase in cases over the last four years, the level of awareness of the disease amongst pet owners is very low with more than a third of dog owners surveyed saying they have never heard of lungworm.
Join us live from the Blue Cross Animal Hospital to learn how to help keep your dog happy, healthy and lungworm free.
Luke Gamble and Peter Purves join us live online at Monday 2nd April at 4pm
Click here to submit questions before the show
Kids care about their pets more than their siblings
I think this is definitely true in our household!! I have 2 boys who literally cannot breathe the same air ( I’m SO not joking). However, they both love our lovely cat Tilly more than anything. They are happy to feed her, let her in and out, brush her, give her treats and play with her. In fact I don’t really have to ask them to do any of it, apart from fill her food bowl!!
This is her the day she arrived at our house aged 12 weeks old!!
How could anyone resist her?? You would have to be heartless!!
This is her in her favourite sleeping place! But don’t be fooled by the cute face she has worked hard and now at the grand age of 1 1/2 yrs she has earned the title ‘Tilly the Terrorist’!! ( from the neighbours).
She has been spotted on my neighbours roof at the top of her chimney!! She terrorises next door’s cats from their own garden, and don’t even start me on the birds!!!
I’m sure you all have your own pet stories to tell, but surely you will agree well cared for pets aren’t pets at all but part of the family!!
Wilkinson Petcare found the following results after a survey about children and animals, and also provided Top Tips for Petcare below:
We’re often referred to as a nation of animal lovers and now a new study shows that our love of all things furry is firmly being passed on to our kids with a poll of children revealing they care more about their pets than they do about their brothers and sisters and their friends.
Over 70% of the children surveyed have a pet, with cats and dogs and goldfish the most likely animals to be found in British homes, but snakes, lizards, frogs and sheep are also getting pampered by their youthful in homes around the UK.
When asked what animal they would most like to have, dog’s were a clear winner, followed by followed by rabbits, hamsters and cats.
But it’s not just their own animals that British children care about with. Our fauna also looks to be in good hands for the future with over 90% of kids saying they are concerned about wildlife.
And their knowledge of what can be found in our backyards is also excellent with the majority saying they would recognise a robin, pigeon, blackbird, magpie, blue tit and a sparrow if they saw one frolicking outside.
Over 90% say they have visited a farm and more than 70% a wildlife sanctuary.
Nearly half of the 7-15 year olds surveyed by Wilkinson Petcare have helped an injured animal, while a quarter have fed a wild hedgehog.
Top Tips for Pet Care:
1. Pay your pet attention. Pets need love and affection as much as people
2. Exercise – The more exercise the better prevention of your pet becoming overweight
3. Visit a vet regularly to maintain your pets health
4. Get your pet Vaccinations. This will prevent them from catching any diseases that could affect their health.
5. Give your pet a comfortable and spacious home/bed – This is where they will sleep and get the rest they need so it needs to be somewhere they want to go
6. Go to a Vet to check you are feeding your pet the right food for them. I.e. the food you give your dog depends on the breed of the dog you have, so it is vital you check.
7. Allow your pet to adapt to its new environment and dogs/cats/horses allow to interact with other animals at an early stage in order for them to know how to react in social situations properly.
8. Watch your pets teeth, bad breath could mean digestive problems
9. Give your pet toys, your pets need to have something to interest them as you cannot be there 24/7
10. Clean and groom your pet regularly, this will maintain their health and help prevent catching disease
For more information visit : Website: