The Importance of Bedtime Reading

The Importance of Bedtime Reading

So how important is bedtime reading to you as an adult?

Hands up all you parents who have a read of a chapter or two before you go to bed yourself.

So, now as a parent how many of you actually read to your children before they go to sleep?

Now don’t get me wrong there are days when maybe you have got home from work late to find chaos at home. By the time you have battled your way through dinner and the bedtime routines of baths etc, there may be a few nights that go past without a story. Am I right?

We can’t always be perfect ( although we are most of the time of course!) but I would reckon that a good majority of us DO read to the kids before they go to sleep.

This was something I did almost religiously with my boys when they are young. Mr B is not a big reader but I am. I knew it was important for the boys to enjoy books before they could master reading. So, the importance of bedtime reading was something I prioritised.

I am proud to say that both my boys are avid readers today, so that must be something I have done right at least!

Anyway, for those of you who maybe don’t read to the kids at bedtime, for whatever reason, check out this programme  online to help with the possible stress that bedtime reading can sometimes cause.

The Importance of Bedtime Stories

Watch our live show with Becky Overton, British children’s bedtime story writer, and TV presenter Helena Dowling to discuss why bedtime stories are so important for our little ones.

Show date: Friday 22nd March

Show time: 12:30pm  

Many parents can find bedtime stressful, but that needn’t be the case. Reading bedtime stories can really help your children relax and fall asleep more easily, and create an emotional bond between parent and child. Not only does a bedtime story help create a sense of occasion but it can also give children something to really look forward to before they turn out the light.

While some of us might lack confidence in our ability to read to our children, some of us are unsure of what tone or volume to use, or even what stories are suitable for bedtime reading – fear not, help is at hand.

So if you are worried about how you can read your children bedtime stories, don’t know exactly what the benefits of reading with your little ones are or want to share your tips and advice to other parents, then log onto our live show.

Becky Overton, a British Children’s Writer, whose stories are featured on A Bedtime Story with Arnie & Barnie on Nick Jr. and read by well-known celebrities such as Greg Rutherford and Kimberly Wyatt, is on hand to answer your questions, alongside TV presenter Helena Dowling and Holly Driscoll from Dolly and Daydreams.

Becky Overton, Helena Dowling and Holly Driscoll join us live online at on Friday 22nd March at 1pm

Click here to submit questions before the show

For more info check out

Teaching your children through Apps

Teaching your children through Apps

So what do you think? A good or bad idea? Unfortunately we are in a technical age where this is becoming second nature! In fact I have to ask my boys how to do some bits on the laptop occasionally. But it doesn’t all have to be Play stations and Xbox’s and kids zoning out to mindless shoot ’em up games. With I phones, tablets and I pads children from a very early age can get in on the act for educational stuff and learn to be comfortable with technology at the same time.

Check out the web show below for tomorrow:

Log onto our live and interactive show where Jon Bentley discusses how to make sure your children are getting the most educational benefits from technology

Show date: Tuesday 29th January 2013

Show time: 12.30pm

There’s no denying that smart phones and tablets have become an essential part of life for millions of us, changing the way we work, socialise and communicate. Whilst they use to be solely the domain of businesspeople and the most technologically advanced, now they’re popular throughout the generations and even amongst pre-schooles.

Research from Vodafone shows that savvy toddlers first start using smart phones or tablets at a tender 2 years 4 months and that many parents are using Apps to help their children learn to read, write and count.

But how can parents make sure their little ones are benefitting from the technology and aren’t accessing inappropriate material?

Log onto our live and interactive show with Jon Bentley, former Gadget Show presenter and Libby Pritchard from Vodafone, who will discuss how children can benefit from smart phones and tablets and how parents can make sure their children are using these devices safely.

Jon Bentley and Libby Pritchard join us live online at on Tuesday 29th January at 12.30pm

Click here to submit questions before the show



Who’s interested in becomming part of a Blogger Broadcast Ambassador programme?

Sounds like something you have an interest in for the New Year? I have had many dealings through this company and have enjoyed a great PR relationship with Jessica Feldman who has given me opportunities to telephone interview a TV celeb, and review a brand new car to mention a few. They deal with companies from a wide range of products and brands.

Check out the details below:

Want to be part of the brand spanking new Blogger Broadcast Ambassador Programme?


Markettiers4dc is launching a new Blogger Broadcast Ambassador Programme and is looking to recruit Mummy and Daddy Bloggers to review products like shoes, clothes and toys for your kids, and stuff for you such as cars and fashion & beauty products which we will send on behalf of brands that we are working with.


All we ask in return from you is that you review these products with a video camera that we will supply you with. We will also give you the opportunity to record podcast interviews with celebrities and industry specialists on a number of parenting topics and take part in our live TV shows which you can stream live through your own blogs. Ideally, you will post your reviews in your blogs, tweet about them and upload video to sites such as YouTube and Facebook as well.


To help you produce the best quality videos or podcast, those who are selected as Ambassadors, will also receive broadcast media training and some tips on video and audio production, together with a goody bag from us, including video cameras!


If you are interested in getting involved, want more information on the clients we work with, or want to know more about the programme contact:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Were you affected by PostNatal Depression?

I very luckily wasn’t, however, a very close friend of mine was after the birth of her twins over 12 years ago. It was difficult to see this bubbly, happy-go-lucky person fall into the depths of depression where she doubted herself all the time and totally lost all her self confidence and yet still try and continue looking after her babies.

She had suffered with depression before and was able to see the signs and get help early. However, it was only me who knew and to everyone else she looked and seemed fine. But it was a long journey and her children are now 12 years old.

Do you or someone you know suffer or have suffered with Postnatal Depression?

Learn to recognise the warning signs and help yourself or others.

Postnatal Depression

Join our live WebTV show to learn how to spot the warning signs in yourself and others

Show date: 20th December

Show time: 1pm

Postnatal depression is a spectrum which can be as mild as “baby blues”- weeping for several days after childbirth, to at the other end – puerperal psychosis, which can manifest in delusions, hallucinations and impulses to hurt the baby or the belief that there is something wrong with it. In the middle of these two extremes is what the majority of new mothers experience at some point; profound lows, as they struggle to deal with the new challenges that life as a mother presents.

Earlier this year, the Government announced more NHS help for women with postnatal depression to the tune of £400m, recruiting more health visitors across the country who will be trained to spot the early signs of postnatal depression. This means that for the first time, there will be more focus on the emotional wellbeing of the entire family, not just concentrating on the practical ins and outs of looking after the baby. But is this enough?

With statistics suggesting that roughly a quarter of women experience depression in the first year after childbirth, experts believe that the true figures are probably far greater, as postnatal depression is often misdiagnosed or missed. The most important thing is to be to able to recognise the symptoms in yourself, spot the warning signs in others and not to feel alone or that you are failing as a parent. 

Health & Wellbeing mutual, Benenden Healthcare Society has acknowledged this issue and are inviting you to take part in a discussion on the issues surrounding PND.  Joining us in a live and interactive WebTV  on 20th December at 1pm are Liz Wise from The Ceder House support group and The Association of Postnatal Depression Committee and Natalie Ellis from W


Liz Wise from The Ceder House support group and The Association of Postnatal Depression Committee and Natalie Ellis from joins us live online at www.studiotalk.tvwwwww on 20th December at 1pm


Website: OW


Live Interactive tech-IQ Test!

Go on admit it would you know what tablet does what, and I’m not talking about the kind you get at the chemist!!

I for one struggle with new technology, I am a true ‘technophobe’, always thinking that if I try something new I will probably break it! In fact it is sad to admit that I rely on my OH and my 14yr old to get me through anything I need for the blog………….ssssshhhhhhh don’t tell anyone.

So here is your chance to find out all about the latest gadgets and which one does what!

Log onto our live and interactive Tech-IQ test, with Pollyanna Woodward where she will be testing the nation’s tech savviness and advising us on the latest ‘must have’ gadgets in the run up to… Christmas!


Show date: Friday 16th November 

Show time: 2.30pm

Do you know what Wifi means? Or how to Tweet? Can you download music, upload photos and use an app?  Do you know the difference between a tablet and a laptop? And is it true that the younger you are the more attuned to technology you are?

The internet, smart phones, tablets and social media are now categorised as essential to millions of us, but just how much do you really know about gadgets and the big World Wide Web we orbit? Moreover, have you ever tested your Tech-IQ to figure out whether the products you buy and use are actually suited to your technical ability and lifestyle?

With gadgets such as tablets continuing to dominate our Christmas wish list this year, how many of us actually know our Nabi from our Nexus or will match the tablet with the task?

And should we be taking into account our technical ability when we are buying new products or putting them on our Christmas list? Luckily for us, one of the UK’s largest technology retailers Argos, has teamed up with Pollyanna Woodward to help match up which tablets suit what Tech IQ.

To find out how her own family compare, Pollyanna will be joined by her mother for a family tech-off.

 So how good are you?

Log onto our live and interactive Tech-IQ test with Pollyanna Woodward, where we will be testing how tech-savvy you actually are and what tablets and gadgets will suit you and your family


 Pollyanna Woodward joins us live online at on Friday 16th November at 2.30pm

Click here to submit questions before the show



Ok who mentioned the ‘C’ word……….Christmas!

It’s sad that we haven’t even experienced our summer yet *cough* and already Christmas is being mentioned!!! Shoot me now!

But in all fairness if you have kids it’s best to get organised and be ahead of the game, so………………………………………………………………………..

Sneak Preview Of This Year’s Must-Have Christmas Toys

Log on to our live and interactive WebTV show to get the inside track on Argos’ Top 10 Christmas Toys countdown

Show date: 19th July

Show time: 3pm

Christmas may still be five months away, but millions of children will already be starting to think about what they want in their stocking come December the 25th.

Every year, there’s a must-have list of toys that all children are desperate to get their hands on, so what will be the big hits of 2012?

Last year it was all about talk-back toys such as Dance Star Mickey, a talking robot for girls called Fijit and Sesame Street Let’s Rock Elmo. In previous years it was all about kids’ construction toys, with the Real Construction Deluxe Workshop topping Christmas wish lists in 2010.

As the UK’s leading toy retailer, Argos will once again announce their Top 10 Christmas Toys list, a prediction of this year’s most-wanted toys and games.

Over the years many parents and grandparents have come to rely on the annual list to get the inside track on what will be on children’s Christmas lists so they’re ahead of the game when they start their festive shopping.

So what will be the new craze this year? Will digital toys continue to dominate or will we see a return to the retro? Log on to our WebTV show where all will be revealed.

We’ll also be discussing the importance of toys and how different types of toys not only keep your children entertained but also help them learn and develop key creative and problem solving skills.

Watch our live and interactive WebTV show from the launch of Argos’ Top 10 Toys Christmas event with [Richard Woolfson Child Psychologist, Mummy blogger and Toy Buyer at Argos]

The above guests join us live online at

on 19th July at 3pm
Click here to submit questions before the show



Check out the new Butlins Hotel

Check out the new Butlins Hotel

Butlins has a certain reputation. It’s a bit like Marmite, you either love or hate it.

So for those of you who may need convincing check out this new fab Butlins hotel in Bognor Regis  complete with all the mod cons of the 21st century!! Have a sneak preview on tomorrows show at 2pm!

Join Angela Griffin as she takes an exclusive look around Butlins’ newest hotel

Log onto our WebTV show where we’ll be at the opening of the iconic British family holiday resort’s Wave Hotel and Apartments in Bognor Regis


Show date: Monday 2nd July

Show time: 14:00
Summer holidays are something that we all look forward to – they are a chance to get away from the madness at home and they give us the perfect opportunity to unwind and enjoy time with our families.

Holidays give both children and their parents a chance to relax from the grind of everyday life, and research shows for kids, the best holiday is one in which they can simply spend time with their family and where everyone is happy and relaxed.

Butlins recognise this and has played a massive part in the history of our nation. For many of us as kids, summer was not complete without a trip to one of their seaside resorts where the iconic Redcoats would greet us at the gate, signally the start of an exciting and action packed holiday.

The resorts have come a long way since their beginnings in the 1930s and this summer the quintessentially British holiday company will open its newest hotel in Bognor Regis.

The Wave will stay true to all of the qualities that have made Butlins a household name for 75 years, but will also reflect the changing world we live in with all the mod-cons such as dedicated games room with Wii, PS3, DS or Band Hero games, a Kindle library and iPod docks in every room a big part of the new hotel.

Log on to our live interactive WebTV show where Angela Griffin will join Jae Hopkins from Butlins and mummy blogger Antonia Chitty at the opening of the Butlins Wave Hotel in Bognor Regis for a sneak preview of the nation’s newest and most exciting family holiday resort.


Angela Griffin and Antonia Chitty joins us live online at

Click here to submit questions before the show

Would you pass your driving test again?

Answer to that for most people would be a big fat NO!

I have been driving for 20yrs now and lots of things have definitely changed in that time. The roads are much busier, some the junctions now can be very confusing and now we are sign mad to the point that it can be difficult to take in all the information!!

I recently had the ‘opportunity’ *cough* to attend a Speed Awareness course ( thanks to being snapped doing 37 in a 30mph road!). I hold my hands up and at the time didn’t really think that was that bad as I am an ex driving instructor and generally drive defensively, however I was in a rush that particular day as my youngest was nearly late for a panto performance ( but I appreciate there are no excuses).

Anyway, I’m no snob but I was really expecting a room full of chav’s and boy racers with attitude! To my surprise everyone was just like me, and by that I mean normal ( whatever that is!), a range of ages and personalities.

We met our course instructors and I was hoping that we wouldn’t be quizzed too much.

I hate to admit it but I actually enjoyed it! They weren’t condescending or asked about what you were caught doing, and they were light hearted but definitely got their point across.

One of the best things they said that I know I will never forget is

‘If you went for an operation and the surgeon last trained 20 years ago……..would you be happy for him to carry out the surgery?’

Err NO!

Even though I went through driver instructor training a few years ago as well I was amazed at how much I had already forgotten! It truly is frightening.

The driving test is so difficult now and for a good reason. They need to know that the people they are putting out on the roads are safe. Even the theory test and hazard perception test could put some of us through our paces.

There were some videos to watch on the day and they were straight to the point, and put any thoughts of further speeding to rest. Even a few miles over the 30mph could prove catastrophic.

Most people there thought that the most dangerous roads would be the motorways but they would be very much mistaken. It’s our normal urban 30mph roads that have the most horrendous statistics for accidents, injuries and fatalities!

So how much of the Highway Code could you remember? if you were asked would you know the relevant stopping distances?

Check out this video with Quentin Willson below to see that you are not alone. There are lots of us around who have been driving for many years and have fallen into all the same old bad habits.

Interactive test Web TV show with Quentin Willson

So how many of the signs would you have recognised?

It’s amazing isn’t it- actually how little we can remember!

So I would urge anyone who happens to get snapped on a speed camera to take the course instead of the points on their license. For me if I had taken the points I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. But after doing the course I have slowed down for the right reasons and I realise that even a few miles over the limit could mean fatalities and that I could not live with on my conscience……………………………..COULD YOU?

Winter Driving Master Class

As many of my regular readers will know that before I had to give up work through illness I worked as a Qualified Driving Instructor. I happened to love the job and really miss it. What amazed me through my time working was how many people would cancel a driving lesson when the weather deteriorated. Some pupils who started driving in the summer hated going out in the darker nights. Some panicked when they had turned up for their test in the rain after managing to get through their lessons without driving in proper rainfall!! And don’t get me started on the snow!! I had to coax a few take their lessons as the snow had started to melt. Yet, in the highway code and the theory test there are multiple questions on how to change your style of driving to suit the weather conditions. Even now it amazes me how people still drive like idiots when it is chucking it down. They don’t adjust their speed and they certainly don’t adjust their distance from other vehicles in adverse conditions!!

Does this sound familiar to you? Are you one of those people who don’t really know how to adjust their driving in different conditions?

Well tune into this web show for the best advice around:

Winter driving master class

Log on to our web TV show for tips from motoring expert Quentin Willson on how to prepare your car and yourself for bad conditions

Show date: Thursday 3rd November

Show time: 15.00


If you’ve ever ventured out into the snow or ice in your car you’ll know it can be scary, dangerous and treacherous to navigate your vehicle while skidding around in low visibility.

But despite the fact winter driving requires a lot of skill and a vehicle that can handle the conditions, new research shows that millions of us continue to drive in terrible British winter conditions without really preparing ourselves for the journey ahead.

Unlike other European countries like Germany where winter driving is almost an artform and regulated by the Government, in the UK most of us don’t change to winter tyres, and most of us have never been given lessons in driving in snow and ice.

Furthermore, with a severe cold snap approaching once more this year, how many of us have started packing an emergency kit to chuck in the boot in case we break down and get stuck in freezing conditions for hours on end?

Motoring expert Quentin Willson has joined with Goodyear to help drivers prepare for winter by giving them driving and preparation tips to keep them safe this winter.

Log on to our Web TV show where Quentin and Kate Rock from Goodyear show you how to drive for the conditions and what could happen if you’re not prepared.


Click here to submit questions before the show


Summer activities without breaking the bank!!

I’m a stay at home mum because of illness rather than choice. However I know there are lots of mums who also chose to stay at home while their children are young. This is great in the fact that childcare over the 6 week Summer holidays is not an issue.
 However when you don’t work you don’t earn money, and that is an issue when your facing 6 weeks of entertaining your children!!
My boys are aged 10 and 13 so there are only so many days that they will be happy to take some food and head of to one of the parks for the afternoon. Then comes the problem of not only entertaining the kids but keeping them active as well!
Tomorrow there will be an online programme broadcast that you can not only become involved in but also get great ideas on keeping the kids both entertained and active without costing a fortune!
So why not take a look at the link below if you would like some more information but also to submit a question yourself! 

Quadruple Olympic gold medal Matt Pinsent CBE will be online live tomorrow, Tues 26th July @ 2pm, on Studio talk TV.

Tune in tomorrow @ 2pm via the link below
What to do with your kids this summer?
Gold Medallist and dad Matt Pinsent – and Olympic friends – with ideas on how to keep them busy this summer…..and without breaking the bank!
Show date: Tuesday 26th July
Show time: 2:00pm  
With the summer holidays stretching ahead of us, there’s really only one thought on most mums’ minds – how am I going to keep them occupied for the next 6 weeks? And how am I going to do it without breaking the bank?
Summer is a great time to get out and about as a family, getting active together in the sunshine. But coming up with new activities and destinations can tax even the most imaginative mum during the long summer break.
Many schools and sports centres run summer sports clubs but they can be expensive and they tend to focus on the more ‘traditional’ sports of football, tennis and cricket.
But there is a new scheme launched this summer to give millions of kids access to play up to 27 different sports for free. The Nestle Get Set, Go Free scheme will, for the first time, give kids access to a range of amazing activities including scuba diving, white water rafting, horse riding and paintballing.
Quadruple Olympic gold medal Matt Pinsent CBE is an active dad of three young kids.
He joins us live online at
on Tuesday 26th July at 2pm  for a live webTV
offering to discuss the Nestle Get Set, Go Free campaign and give his hints and tips on some alternative activities this summer.
Click here to submit questions before the show:

For more information visit