I like to pride myself on being good with money. I can make a small amount go quite far when it ids required. I can prioritise what is desperate and what I can leave for just that little bit longer. This includes making the food bill stretch, when necessary and paying all the necessary extras, such as the kids after school clubs and finding alternative ways to entertain the boys without spending a fortune!Anyway speaking to her for a little longer I was able to obtain a bracelet to try for review purposes. I was told I could wear it all the time except in the shower. As you can imagine after 4 years of constant muscular pain I would try anything……………..and I MEAN anything ( even if it meant running up my street nude………………ok that’s pushing it a little). She advised that I should try it for around 21 days and then see if I had noticed a difference.
So on went the bracelet and I waited. However, after 24hrs of wearing the bracelet I got the most horrendous migraine- NOT A GOOD START! So off came the bracelet and a day later I tried again……………and on came the migraine!! So for the second time I took the bracelet off and so far was NOT impressed. But I’m a trier if nothing else ( my OH says I’m very trying) so on went the bracelet for the 3rd time.
This time NO migraine!! Nothing at all, not a snifter of any pain in the head. A good sign I thought. Since then I have worn the bracelet ALL the time except when in the shower. So, over a month down the line have I noticed any difference?
Well to be brutally honest………….YES I think I have!!
This has sort of shocked me a little. I have had days where I haven’t needed to take my full quota of 8 Tramadol and Paracetamol cocktail. This is a good thing for me as I would love to come off all the pills altogether, so taking less, even on a few days, is a huge bonus!! Now with all alternative remedies not everyone will have the same results as what works for one does not always work for everyone.

She also had some helpful literature with her:
So how does it work I hear you cry? ( C’mon play the game people)
This is what the literature says:
How do magnets work?
Powerful Neodymium magnets worn near a pulse point stimulate the blood cells, therefore passing oxygen and nutrients around the body more efficiently in turn, releasing a natural anti-inflammatory, Cortisol, resulting in the alleviation of symptoms of many common ailments.
As a result, toxins are removed therefore reducing the chemical imbalance which is often the cause of discomfort
Like I said at the beginning this was not a commissioned post, it’s just a product that I came across and was able to have a try. For me I hope the bracelet continues to do what it is doing for me and only time will tell. But for a person who suffers relentless muscle pain any reduction of pain/ sickness/ medication can only be a good thing!
This is the link through to the lovely lady Nikki that I dealt with
Wow, that’s very interesting. I’m glad that it gave you some relief and hope it continues to do so!
Thanks for visiting my blog recently and sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I’ve been on holiday, as you may have guessed!
xx Jazzy
I know I spoke to her again and she said a lot of people get the headaches to begin with almost as a detox!! I hope it continues too, I know it’s not a miricle cure but if it helps me have a few more ‘good’ days then I’m all for it LOL
Hope you had fun on your hols hun, jealous? Me? Nah!!! 🙂
I would like to purchase a bracelet for a friend do you still visit the Walnuts in Orpington
I am sorry this was such a long time ago, but I am sure if you Google these bracelets you will find somewhere online that will sell them