It’s amazing how a little warmth and sunshine can affect your outlook on everything. So I got to thinking about all the little things that can be taken for granted yet they can bring so much pleasure. We have managed to cut the grass, wash all the windows (both done by hubby), clean the kitchen and get loads of jobs done on the laptop- minutes to a meeting, updating no follow links and sorted stuff on Ebay! Now I know my list should be family and health etc and I do appreciate those but I really am talking about the really little things.
Happiness is……..
*Being able to putt washing out on the line
* Daffodils in the Spring
* Catching the pancake IN the pan and not scraping it off the floor!
* Something home made
* Gorgeous pets
* Beautiful Skies
So what are the really small things that make you happy?
I would definitely agree with getting the washing out to dry and having something homemade. I’ll add to that kitchen time cooking and baking and my best one has to be listening to the children playing together! I love hearing them chatting and laughing together x
LOL my 2 are teens now so that nicely playing and giggling together thing is a distant memory for me- it’s more like door slamming and arguing here 😉
Being able to dry the washing on the line, my battle is not just the weather but if the farmer is muck spreading!!
A good ‘ol country smell my OH says but I’m not convinced! As long as the smell or the muck doesn’t end up on your washing 😉
How lovely! great photos. It is always good to step back and appreciate the little things, isn’t it? That’s why I like to do the ‘Reasons to be Cheerful’ blog linky….not every week, but sometimes 🙂 xx Jazzy
I think it was the beautiful sunshine that did it for me- a total breath of fresh air 🙂