On week 13 I had to miss my weigh in due to going into hospital for a day procedure. I still stuck to plan though before and after the day ( excluding a treat of my first mince pie of the season- which was well earned as I couldn’t eat from 9am the day before my procedure and having sedation that didn’t sedate making the day kind of traumatic all round!). However, it was onwards and upwards from there and I had nothing planned that was going to throw me off plan completely.
So weigh in for week 14, I was hopeful that I had lost and thankfully I was rewarded with a 2 lb loss, bringing me tantalisingly close to getting my weight down under the 10 stone mark! Having looked back after a chat in group after my previous 1/2lb gain about the amount of fruit that I eat, I decided to take the advice of another member to try adding more speed veg than fruit and maybe cutting the fruit down to about 3 pieces a day. In all honesty I didn’t think this would matter much to me but it really seems to have made a difference with my weight loss. As you know I am unable to exercise in the normal way due to my illness so I knew over all when I joined any weight loss would be slow. I have also factored in a few EESP days throughout each week now which I also think may be helping and I have managed to up my fluid intake loads after picking up my £5 bargain bottle, that you can add fruit to, from Matalan.
So onto this week and weigh in this morning. My over all hope was for a maintain as I had gone last Tuesday to review a festive afternoon tea, which obviously I had to scoff at least try everything ( it’s a dirty job but someone has to do it!).
The food at the tea was absolutely lush and after just over 3 months on the plan it was a sheer delight to go and properly indulge and be guilt free in doing so. I made sure I only had some fruit for breakfast and after the tea I wasn’t hungry for the rest of the day so I only had a piece of fruit with my cuppa in the evening. I then decided to do a few EESP days to help balance out the over indulgence. However, by Saturday this week I started to feel bloated and realised this would be the week I would be due my period and therefore a possible gain ( which has happened pretty much every 4 weeks since starting). So, I went with the full expectation of a gain/ maintain to be totally blown away by getting another 2 lb loss!! I am shocked to say the least but super chuffed at the same time. I was also rewarded with my Club 10 award ( for losing 10% of your weight) which was just the icing on the cake today.
I can now say that I am in single figures ( only by a smidge but even so!) and in truth it feels just bloody marvellous to now be under the 10 stone mark. I am now a little more hopeful for next week and I have nothing booked this week that will knock me off plan. I will continue to factor in a few EESP days, drink lots of fluids and opt for speed veg and continue to limit my fruit to 3 or 4 pieces a day.
Today though I will celebrate with a proper size mince pie ( my absolute favourite at Christmastime) and still stay within today’s syn limit………………………..be warned my will power is strong now!
So, here’s hoping for another loss next week ( although now I have said it I will probably gain).