Our nutty tortoise neighbour!
Yes we are one of those people who attracts all the nutters in animal form, don’t ask me how but it always happens.
The latest to our collection is our nutty tortoise neighbour, who constantly tries to get in our garden, has an aversion to trainers and will attack on sight. Now this would be totally unpleasant if the neighbour was actually human but alas this one is a fabulous feisty tortoise.
It has lived next door for the whole 17yrs we have been in our house. He even went missing for a year or two before turning up out of nowhere when they were re landscaping their garden. However, this week his perseverance has gone through the roof as my husband has been working at replacing our fencing between their house and ours.
This particular tortoise will stop at nothing to get in the garden as this picture shows:

But that’s not all, once in he spends his time chasing you around the garden trying to headbutt ( yes headbutt!) your shoes……….. told you it was a complete nutter. So much so we had to video him the other day in action- take a look:
Told you we attract ALL the nutters!
Linking up with Eco-Gites of Lenault #AnimalTales
It looks like ‘tiger’ is winning against the shoes! Thanks for the laugh.
They are delightful and single minded when they want to be….I wish ours was still with us.
Are you sure he didn’t want to be ‘special friends’ with your shoe?
I know he was a bit erm…… forward lol
Oh my! I didn’t know tortoises could be so vicious! It did make me chuckle though x
I know and I totally expected him to be very slow too- wrong!!! 🙂
I think I might agree with Laura and I think Monsieur Tortoise is being *ahem* amorous … but all I can say is thank goodness I am not a MRS Tortoise!
Many thanks for adding our first tortoise tale onto #AnimalTales
Yes my sentiments exactly lol- Oh and he has 1st tortoise place too, brilliant 🙂
what a fantastic neighbour to have
He is a total joy to watch 🙂
I love reading tortoise stories as I’ve always wanted a tortoise myself. He does sound nutty indeed