Yesterday we celebrated St Patrick’s Day. Not that I am southern Irish or catholic!! I do have the accent though. However, living in England, married to an Englishman with 2 English sons it’s just nice to get them thinking about the fact I’M NOT FROM HERE!! LOL
Anyway it is a true excuse to terrorize them with LOADS of diddly diddly music, Irish food and all things green.
So here’s how it went:

I would have liked to head up to the parade in London this year, however, one son had extra piano lessons today and the other had his Lamda practice………… it wasn’t to be.
I am waiting until they are both over 18 so we can go on a proper long weekend in Dublin, complete with a tour of diddly diddly bars, a few Guinness’s and yummy food! Until then my friends it’s down to me to keep the madness going!
What did you get up to?
You were baptized Church of Ireland (the “Irish Church” as it used to be known) It was created by the immediate successor’s of Patrick. It is St. Patrick’s Church. You’re well within your rights to celebrate it fully and without hesitation.
Check your email also.
I knew I should have checked with you first LOL 🙂