That really is the only word that describes it.
Yesterday morning we found our beautiful ‘Gorgeous George’ ( our 19 month old cat) across the street after a missing night. Unfortunately he had been knocked down and killed.
I grabbed him in my arms wrapped him in a blanket and balled my eyes out for an hour and a half on the kitchen floor just giving him a cuddle.
He looked so tiny, untouched with injuries and in a peaceful sleeping position. I had my eldest at home as he was ill and off school who was just an emotional mess alongside me.
We cried, cuddled, cried and cuddled until we knew we had to do something with him. I had phoned my OH but was uncontrollable and just heard words about popping him down in the shed until he managed to get home. My youngest was at school totally oblivious to what had happened, so we wanted to keep him there until everyone had said their goodbyes.
My son and I must have gone down and seen him several times, each time having a good cry and just feeling so sorry for him as he was just a little one!
I had to brake the news to my youngest when he came in and then had another emotional trip to the shed so he could see him.
When my OH got home we decided that we couldn’t bury him in the garden so we opted to have him cremated via the vets.
So with our last goodbyes my OH and I took him and left him at the vets…………………this was so heartbreaking I cannot even put it in words.
We are lucky enough to have another slightly older cat though so this is great for all of us, but she hasn’t been herself since George went missing. She keeps looking for him, following us, sitting at the back window watching for him- it breaks my heart.
I just don’t know why we do it to ourselves!! It’s just a cat I can hear some of you saying– Er no, he was my little baby, totally part of our family and full of his own character……..SO NO HE WASN’T JUST A CAT!!!
R.I.P My little ‘Gorgeous George’ – We loved you loads and miss you terribly!

We bought him on our anniversary – St Georges Day so we aptly named him George, or Gorgeous George!!
This was our most up to date picture taken only weeks ago and featured in My Silent Sunday posts.

Goodbye and sleep well xxx