My Dad before he passed away in 2002 he had been a diabetic from the age of 12, living with the condition for around 44 years! I had never known anything other than watching the time, counting carbs, insulin injections and hypos on a very regular basis.
My OH always remembers the fact that he always felt sorry for him as he had to eat whether he was hungry or not and often saw him with a look of resignation on his face as he was handed his evening ‘supper’ before he had to go to bed. Not wanting to eat, not feeling hungry but having to force the food down as his body needed it.
My good friends son was also diagnosed a few years ago whilst still in primary school. I know it has been a HUGE re adjustment for all of them and a complete worry for both of the parents as no one in their family had a history of Diabetes. Everything was completely new to them.
Technology and research has definitely come a long way from when my Dad was diagnosed to my friends son being diagnosed. He has the privilege of great technology to help with blood sugars etc and hopefully making it more manageable for children. These sorts of advancements can only be made via research, research and more research……………all of which comes at a hefty and costly price, a lot of which comes from fundraising like all charities.
Diabetes UK encourages people to do just this. So my friend @michelleb66 has held an annual Diabetes coffee and cake fundraiser at her house since her son has been diagnosed and I am a firm believer in ‘every little counts’.

So I gave here a hand ( as chief tea and coffee maker) whilst she could welcome friends and family, run a raffle and encourage force people to eat as much yummy cake as possible and generally play the part of ‘Hostess with the Mostess’!!
Although to be honest I thought she was actually trying to feed the 5000, and ironically for a Diabetes charity we were selling sugar loaded cakes!! But lets face it we all love a sugary treat………….everything in moderation of course*cough*

That aside she was very lucky to have a great turnout and not that the cakes were that expensive but she just had very generous people there – raising a total of £146.50!!!!
Her son, a 15yr old diabetic is an amazing budding chef and made some of the cupcakes and the melt in your mouth Lemon Drizzle cake that you can see on the right………………I can tell you it was the 1st empty plate!!