M.E Awareness Week starts 6th May.

Regular readers will know I have had M.E for the past 3 years. This affects me and my family everyday. I have lately introduced myself to a *cough* lovely walking stick ( Oh the Joys).

Anyway, most people hear M.E and think

‘ Oh yeah that’s the one that makes you a bit tired and lazy’!!!!!!!!

Not only would I love to change this attitude but I would love to raise more awareness about this ‘invisible’ illness. Some Gp’s don’t even recognise it and your a very lucky patient if you get an understanding GP who can direct you in the right direction for help. I have a great GP however when I was referred to a CFS ( Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E) clinic my NHS borough decided they would refuse to pay for any treatment out of borough. Since then I have been left to deal with this illness in the best way I can, taking very strong painkillers and muscle relaxants to help with the pain I suffer everyday.

So take the time to take a look at the videos below which may help you understand what we go through on a daily basis.

M.E/CFS Sleepydust Video

M.E/CFS A Torturous Disease

What is M.E/CFS

These video’s can explain it much better than I can. I hope you have a better understanding now and no longer think us sufferer’s are lazy!!

If you know someone with M.E the greatest thing you can do is to believe them and understand.

The ABC of Me!

A while ago I was tagged by the very lovely Mummy on The Edge for an A-Z of Me!! This has taken me ages to do as there has been so much going on recently. But at last here it is.

Some of these you may already know and some you definitely won’t.

A- Age, Ok I hate to admit it but I am 41 ( quickly approaching 42)

B- Belfast, the place I was born and grew up.

C- Caring, but find it hard to show it.

D- Determined to win the lottery one day.

E- Exhausted ALL OF THE TIME!

F- Food I love it in all it’s lovely forms.

G- Galaxy my all time favourite chocolate.

H- Husband, I have one and have been married for almost 18 yrs.

I- Indecisive, quick at making my mind up but just as quick to change it!

J- July, my birthday month.

K- Knitting, something I have gone back to recently and just love it.

L- Loyal, or I like to think I am as a friend.

M- M.E something I was diagnosed with almost 3 yrs ago!

N- Nap something I do A LOT due to the above.

O- Old, I hate the thought of getting older ENOUGH SAID.

P- Presents, lets face it who doesn’t like getting them.

Q- Queue‘s I hate them with a vengeance

R- RAF, I served around 7 years many, many moons ago.

S- Stubborn!!  Say no more.

T- Tracy, that would be my name.

U- U2, one of my favourite bands ( early years only!)

V- Vertically challenged at only 5ft 2″

W- Wing Walking, something I have done twice!

X- Xray vision– come on are you telling me you wouldn’t love this??

Y- Yummy Mummy.…………Yeah- a girl can dream can’t she?

Z- Zoo’s even now my kids are older and bored of them I still love a Zoo.

Ok so now I nominate:


