I was recently asked to go along to this branch of Beefeater to review their menu ahead of Mother’s day and having not been down at this park before I was also interested to see what else was there.
We were booked into the restaurant for an earlyish meal around 6pm as a family of four before my eldest teen’s social like took priority and we became a party of three! When we arrived at Eureka Park it was clear to see the Beefeater was probably the main restaurant for the Premier Inn next to it and to be fair it seemed like it was one of the larger branches of the restaurant.
On entering it had a large bar area both with bar and table seating and seemed the perfect place for the people staying at the hotel to pop along in the evening and have a drink or some food. The reception area was a nice open space and we were greeted and seated straight away. Most of the seating in this branch is free standing tables and chairs however there is a diner style area of booth seating adjacent to the open cooking/ serving area and that’s were we were seated.
Is that from one day to the next you never know what it is going to throw at you! The last month has been unbelievably hard, my M.E symptoms have been flaring up.
The exhaustion I have had has left me in my pj’s most days until at least 3 or 4pm. The pain in my muscles has seen me put on new medication (that isn’t working) and generally feeling crap about everything including myself. I have found it difficult to be on here at all and have had no enthusiasm for it. But that is getting back to normal.
Mother’s Day with teens
Is that the presents change as I found out this year. I got my usual ‘little’ things that I love, mugs/ good coffee and other bits. But I also had a more unusual gift which looked initially like this
Are you getting the theme here?
But tucked inside was this……….a random Mother’s day potato! I’ve never laughed so much that I have at the randomness of this.
The school holidays with teens
Is that they actually want to spend most of it in bed or in their rooms.
Now the late mornings I am not complaining about but the wasting of days I am. Gone are the days where I would have everyday planned out with them, activities, visiting, meeting with friends at the park etc.
Now they are teens, especially my eldest, he had some of his own things going on. He went out with friends to the cinema and bowling etc so a lot of the days were already planned. I do miss the old days but actually found this school holiday far more relaxing than previous ones. We did have the odd day out, Whitstable and Herne Bay -that sort of thing.
Me and my lovely boys!
We also had some great card game nights after my MIL taught my youngest a few new games when he stayed over for the night at their caravan.
So, there has been lots going on but I haven’t been that bothered about sharing it all until now.
I will get back into the flow of things and have missed reading all my regular blogs and my conversations on Twitter. But I have to admit the break has done me some good.
So will be churning a few more posts in the next few days about what has been going on around here like my eldest turning 16!
Today I have had coffee in bed while I opened a few cards and a little pressie or two. I know these times can become very commercial so we always agree not to go mad and that it is the thought that counts. So I had a bought card from my OH but homemade personal ‘printouts’ from the kids (which I prefer).
I was chuffed to bits to get the soundtrack to the new Les Miserables film which has already been played today!
However, my definite surprise pressie was a fab onesie!! No laughing please I have really wanted one for ages but it’s not something I would go and spend money on for myself when there are lots of other things to pay for.
Sadly I look FAR too happy wearing this LOL
I am now sitting on the laptop while they are all ‘secret squirrel’ in the kitchen making dinner………………..I will admit I am slightly scared at the idea as my OH is the worst cook ever, so it will be like the blind leading the blind. However, like I said earlier it’s the thought that counts ( that’s until the food poisoning kicks in and then I will be swearing).
We also popped into Costa earlier(as my youngest had a party to go to) and I was able to have my favourite vanilla latte and caramel shortbread as a quick treat!
Calorie overload
AND to top it all off I have just seen that The Wizard of Oz is about to start on telly!!!
MY DAY IS COMPLETE.…………..if for some reason (possible impending food poisoning) I don’t make it to tomorrow, I can safely go knowing I had the BEST day today!!