5 things I’ve learned during lockdown

               5 things I’ve learned during lockdown


Lockdown has changed everyone’s life. We have never in our lifetime seen anything like this. Pretty much being confined to our homes except for work, shopping, exercise or a medical reason, and it has already seemed like an incredibly long time. So, I am going to share 5 things I’ve learned so far during lockdown.

When the whole lockdown thing happened we did consider ourselves to be one of the lucky ones.

By that, I mean my husbands job was secure and he continued to work. My income is secondary and any work that I lost didn’t really have too much affect on the overall financial side of things. So without the added financial stress and uncertainty that a lot of people had enforced on them we considered ourselves incredibly lucky.

That said, like everyone else our daily life changed dramatically. All the things we naturally took for granted as always being available, became obsolete virtually overnight. For me it was cinema trips, coffee shop meet ups, meeting friends for lunch, meeting with clients or just mooching around the shops.

I also suffer which chronic pain so for the last 10 yeas or so, it’s like I’ve been in training for lockdown as my life is probably more sedentary than most anyway.

But, even though I may have adjusted slightly better than anyone living a ‘normal’ life, there are still a few things I’ve learned during the lockdown period so far.

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What to buy older teenage boys for Christmas

What to buy older teenage boys for Christmas

I’ve specifically done this list of what to buy older teenage boys for Christmas because I have 2 boys myself. Therefore, I only have real experience of buying for them.

Anything I have suggested here I have bought my teens through the years or I know of friends who have bought their boys similar. Secondly, none of it has been sent to me to be promoted, so any companies I mention here I have actually used or bought from them over the last 9 or10 years.

I also think that teen boys are much harder to buy for than girls. Probably because I don’t have girls myself. I imagine with clothes, perfumes and makeup and jewellery most things can be covered for girls. Certainly a designer item could certainly be covered as a main Christmas present. I fully appreciate I could totally be wrong about this too. But I have only experience in buying for boys in this house and so I think that is where my expertise lies.

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