It’s sad that we haven’t even experienced our summer yet *cough* and already Christmas is being mentioned!!! Shoot me now!
But in all fairness if you have kids it’s best to get organised and be ahead of the game, so………………………………………………………………………..
Sneak Preview Of This Year’s Must-Have Christmas Toys
Log on to our live and interactive WebTV show to get the inside track on Argos’ Top 10 Christmas Toys countdown
Show date: 19th July
Show time: 3pm
Christmas may still be five months away, but millions of children will already be starting to think about what they want in their stocking come December the 25th.
Every year, there’s a must-have list of toys that all children are desperate to get their hands on, so what will be the big hits of 2012?
Last year it was all about talk-back toys such as Dance Star Mickey, a talking robot for girls called Fijit and Sesame Street Let’s Rock Elmo. In previous years it was all about kids’ construction toys, with the Real Construction Deluxe Workshop topping Christmas wish lists in 2010.
As the UK’s leading toy retailer, Argos will once again announce their Top 10 Christmas Toys list, a prediction of this year’s most-wanted toys and games.
Over the years many parents and grandparents have come to rely on the annual list to get the inside track on what will be on children’s Christmas lists so they’re ahead of the game when they start their festive shopping.
So what will be the new craze this year? Will digital toys continue to dominate or will we see a return to the retro? Log on to our WebTV show where all will be revealed.
We’ll also be discussing the importance of toys and how different types of toys not only keep your children entertained but also help them learn and develop key creative and problem solving skills.
Watch our live and interactive WebTV show from the launch of Argos’ Top 10 Toys Christmas event with [Richard Woolfson Child Psychologist, Mummy blogger and Toy Buyer at Argos]
The above guests join us live online at
on 19th July at 3pm
Click here to submit questions before the show