So I thought that maybe she would have grown out of the ‘wool stealing’ phase when she grew from a kitten to a cat. WRONG!
I am an avid knitter and crocheter and generally have wool all over the place. My older cat who is over five has never, even as a kitten, paid much interest in my wool stash. She would get up beside me an be fascinated by the needles working and the strand of wool moving but that was it. My youngest cat who is now around two is a total wool addict ( like me) and wool stalker and has been since she entered our house!
I have a granny square style blanket on the go that I am making out of all my wool scraps, and I keep all the wool and the squares in a carry box and I now cover it with a towel to help stop her temptation…………………………………………………this however is all in vain.
Quite often I will come in from somewhere and see imediately that she has taken 2 or 3 balls all the way upstairs ( 2 flights) and the wool strands are all up the stairs and landing as proof. This week however, she really upped her game and my husband thought it was so funny he left it for me to see…………