My boys are now 12 and 14 years old. Most days I’m lucky enough to be grunted at, and if I’m even luckier ( is that a proper word?) they may well even have a proper chat that doesn’t begin with ‘ Can I have…….’
Anyway, after finding my Teenager Manual ,yes I really did find it in the library, I started to reminisce about the little funny things they used to come out with.
So here’s a few of ours :
blackcurtains………………..for blackcurrant (juice)
stemming alive………………instead if staying alive ( The Bee Gees song!)
wanking wheel.………………for wagon wheel-yes this was said by my youngest although we wont mention this one until he is older!
go-go ……………………………for Gordon from Thomas the Tank Engine
scooby driver..…………………for screwdriver (my favourite)
These are just a few off the top of my head but there is a story to each of them which we still laugh about ( especially the wanking wheel one!! )
Now they are teens it’s more like
nuffink- nothing
s’up- what’s up
kk- Okay ( don’t ask me, text speak I think!)
That’s the stuff I can repeat in between their normal bouts of insult slinging and silent treatment. Oh the joys…..
Anyway, what do yours say for the words they just cannot pronounce yet?
I decided to link this post up to the lovely Actually Mummy‘s linky ‘What’s so funnee’
If you haven’t already been over there pop over and take a look or actually link up a post!
She has committed to doing something funny for Comic Relief whilst raising money………so pop over and take a look at what she is going to do
This is hilarious – I particularly love the Scooby driver! You should link this up to Actually Mummy’s Wot So Funee post. My latest funee (last Tuesday) stated my daughter calls Jeremy Kyle ‘Germery Miles’!!
Oh thanks I might just do that- love the Germery Miles one, I wont be able to hear his name again without this popping into my head! x
LOL love the showow Actually Mummy- i have a northern irish accent so when I say shower it sounds like showow!! 🙂
You need a towow after your showow. And we all love flowows 😉
LOL LOVE it! 🙂