Welcome to my new little corner of the web.
Those of you that know me from Mum in Meltdown will know I haven’t written on there for a long time as I simply fell out of love with that site. Each time I went on there it became apparent I had out grown the Mum in Meltdown label. My boys are no longer younger teens (which was my main focus on that blog) and no longer happy to be talked about………..which is absolutely right and understandable.
So I deliberated for a long time not quite knowing whether to continue blogging………..I mean what the hell was I going to write about. I blogged the teenage years because it’s an absolute brutal minefield that will send you right over the edge on countless occasions. Yet, at the same time I was engaging with people in the same boat, going through the same struggles and therefore, it made me feel……………..well, almost normal.
Anyway, I was thinking I had nothing at all to write. I felt I was getting old. I felt as though I was becoming redundant as my boys are much more independent and leading their own lives. Yes don’t get me wrong I am still a taxi service, and a bank…………………….oh and a bloody on call cook! However, my eldest is at uni, my youngest is doing A levels at 6th form and working part time to boot, and my husband is still a shift worker, this means I can spend a LOT of my time on my own! At first this was a scary and daunting realisation………………I’m no longer ‘needed’, or certainly that’s how I thought. On top of that, as some of you will already know, I battle chronic illness and chronic pain on a daily basis…………………………..and believe me that can be isolating at times.
At that point I began to miss blogging. I have still been on social media but just not writing. So, I thought it was time to embrace the changes rather than fear them. I had a new site made thanks to @kiphakes who literally had it done in a day or two, with contact all done over Facebook messenger, and seriously he had his work cut out for him as I am a complete technophobe! Honestly, I felt sorry for him at one point when he asked if I had Jetpack to which I replied ‘erm I’m gonna say no simply because I have no clue what you are talking about’! Seriously his eyes must have bloody hurt from rolling at my numptyness ( if that’s even a word). He was extremely fair with pricing and I had an idea of how much it would cost as he told me how many hours it would roughly take ( which he then rounded down). So c’mon you can’t say fairer than that can you? He definitely made the process super easy from my point of view so go check him out if you get a chance.
That was actually at the end of last month but low and behold it’s taken me until now to design my header (via Canva– self taught by trial and error using Youtube videos!), sort through what pages I wanted to keep and generally have a bio update and a general tidy up. So, I hope you like it, I bloody do and I guess that’s all that matters. It will be an ongoing learning process for me as anything technical fills me with dread and leaves me in need of a large GIN!
So, I shall be here in my little corner of the web, rambling about getting older ( the big 50 is seriously getting close now), through the ups and downs of chronic illness and through any adventures or mishaps I have along the way. I’m really hoping there are a few of you in the same boat out there that can relate to this new found (imposed) freedom and I’d love to hear about your journey’s too, and how you spend your time.
If you are on the same ‘ redundant mum’ cliff edge as me leave your blog or social media links in the comments so I can come and follow you in the hopes I can find my ‘tribe’!