Tell me, am I the only horrible mother in the world that has breathed a sigh of relief now the kids are back to school?
Surely I’m not on my own here. Yesterday was like heaven in the respect that I had no TV on, no radios or Ipods blaring, and most of all NO ARGUING! ( Well that was until they came home from school to get organised for Halloween. Which truly ended up as a ‘Benny Hill’ style fast forward video as I had friends round and needed to feed everyone, play games, take kids trick or treating and then have them ready and changed for Scouts by 7.20pm!!!
No easy feat I can tell you……………………….

Before we knew it we were off trick or treating and then the boys were whisked off to scouts for more mess and games!!
All we needed was some comedy music and it wouldn’t have been out of place on a Benny Hill episode.
But after a hectic week over half term I’m kind of glad it’s all calmed down a little………….well for this week anyway. I’m totally enjoying ( rightly or wrongly) the peace during the day. Now I may be able to catch up on all the stuff that’s been put on hold since the start of the holidays.
So am I the only one?
Heck no!!! I LOVE when the kids go back to school, after the mayhem of the first couple of school runs and once I’m back into my routine with just the littlest at home in the mornings it’s utter bliss – no Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on a loop, no one moaning that they want the laptop for ‘homework’ which apparently consists of Moshi Monsters and playing Dr Who games online!!!! I’m proud to be a bad mother and I’m sure they are as fed up of us as we are of them by the end of the holidays :0)
Claire- Hooray someone on my wavelength!! No guilt here then- no definitely not any more LOL x
Definitely not the only one! So glad I don’t have to feel guilty anymore!
Tattie Weasle- thanks and phew!! I can breathe easy, glad I’m not the only one LOL