Hip to be square!

I have a new love of squares. Coloured squares that is. Granny style actually.

I am new to crochet and have just mastered the glorious granny square.

DSC_0282 So then I continued, practice, practice, practice after all eh?

One became three.....
One became three…..

Then I just carried on. I’m up to 6 now, all random colours, no real plan or colour scheme, just squares ad squares and squares!

I have my eye on an old wooden rocking chair that I want to complete with a crocheted, multi coloured granny square blanket so I can lounge outside in the garden during the summer. I know call me old before my time, square if you like, a saddo if it takes your fancy………………………… I really do not give a SHIT!! There I have said it. It’s what I want, it’s what I like and it’s what I will have.

Oh and long may my love of granny squares continue- so there!

So is it hip to be square?


Happiness is………..


It’s amazing how a little warmth and sunshine can affect your outlook on everything. So I got to thinking about all the little things that can be taken for granted yet they can bring so much pleasure. We have managed to cut the grass, wash all the windows (both done by hubby), clean the kitchen and get loads of jobs done on the laptop- minutes to a meeting, updating no follow links and sorted stuff on Ebay! Now I know my list should be family and health etc and I do appreciate those but I really am talking about the really little things.

Happiness is……..

*Being able to putt washing out on the line


* Daffodils in the Spring


* Catching the pancake IN the pan and not scraping it off the floor!


* Something home made


* Gorgeous pets











* Beautiful Skies



So what are the really small things that make you happy?

I feel like a proper Grown Up

I have always wanted a proper camera, you know the ones you see people with and envy greatly. The ones that look like a proper camera with a real lens and everything!

This is something we have been promising ourselves for a few years now but has been totally out of our price range. We have always made do with a compact point and shoot and then totally regret it as the quick pics end up blurred or the zoom is never good enough for close up pics or the on the move pics.

But this weekend we actually did it. We went and got our ‘grown up’ camera. It is a Nikon D3100 DSLR style with it’s seperate lens. We feel very lucky as both our parents gave us enough money at Christmas to splash out on this otherwise we still would not have it!

our new baby
our new baby!

You like it? We went on a recommendation from my brother as we actually had no clue what we were looking for. But this one allows us to take pictures, video, great zoom capacity and lots of gadgets which is exactly what we wanted.

So at the moment I have only looked longingly at it and turned it on, but I am determined after setting my 2014 Goals that I will not let this gadget rot in it’s box. I will be going through the instructions ( something I never do) and start taking FABULOUS pictures.

So watch this space!

2014 goals!

I’m not going in for all the new Year resolution crap this year. Diet, exercise, less alcohol blah blah blah!! I’m not knocking those that are- more power to you but I NEVER keep my resolutions so I’m not going to even bother.

I can’t exercise due to the M.E and my diet will get back to normal after all the Christmas food and goodies are eaten. I no longer drink like a fish although I give it a good go on occasion I don’t feel I drink enough to say I need to cut down ( no I’m not an in denial alcoholic- honest).

So with this all in mind I put my own mind to things that I want to learn or achieve this year. I have also kept the list small and very simple so it’s more than possible to achieve and therefore maybe spur me on to do some more.

Since dealing with long term illness I have increasingly become better at appreciating the smaller things in life. Yeah don’t get me wrong I still want to win the Lottery and live the life but in the meantime it nice to find happiness in the LITTLE things.

**So first on the list is to learn to CROCHET!! I know ‘go me’ next I will be at the WI ( did contemplate it actually!). I’m an avid knitter but cannot for the life of me teach myself to crochet. So  I have today booked myself on a one day course at a local yarn shop in just over a weeks time- YAY. There is another follow on course in Feb so that will definitely be my next step if I get the hang of it.

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Out with 2013 and in with 2014!

DSCF4022Normally Christmas for me brings stress, running around, a deterioration in health, more stress and results in a huge loss of enjoyment of the Christmas spirit!!

This year has been different. Each year I vow to be organised and ready early and each year I fail to do it. But this year I did manage it. I thought of and organised presents early, I had my cards written in October ( don’t shoot me I was just trying to beat my MIL to it…..and I did LOL). My decorations went up on the first weekend getting everyone in the Christmas mood.

I had my OH help me with all the major food shopping AND I made lists about what I actually had in the cupboards and what I still needed. I also farmed out presents as I arranged to see everyone so I didn’t end up delivering them last minute. I even managed to get them all into Christmas jumpers/ tops LOL

I had lots of social stuff on the run up to the big day and after the New Year which meant my actual Christmas week was chilled, relaxed and VERY enjoyable.

New Years Eve was spent at a film ( Walter Mitty) and having food at Bluewater in Kent and then home in the evening to see in the gong’s and celebrations, where I managed to torture the teens and my OH by singing along to Mr Barlow as though I was in the audience.

I haven’t made any rash resolutions this year as I’m a bit shit at keeping them,but there are a few new things I would like to learn for myself, crochet being one and after getting enough Christmas money we are investing in a decent digital camera which we should be able to get soon, so I’m hoping to improve my photography skills and maybe join you all on Instagram! I have also agreed that when someone asked me to get in the photo- I actually will instead of shying away ( as I have found there are loads of pics of the boys but hardly any with me and them).

So here’s to good health ( a cure for M.E would be gratefully received), a bit of wealth and a lot of love and happiness in 2014!

What’s your plans for 2014?




Christmas craft night

I’m a crafter of sorts as an avid knitter and have actually done quite well on this run up to the festive period earning a few extra Christmas pennies.

However, I’m not the greatest one for handmade decorations, my forte is more in the cooking side of things giving homemade treats as part of family presents.

I did recently though attend a Christmas craft evening in a local church hall with a good friend of mine. The idea was to make some items that would easily be replicated at home to use over the Christmas period.

There were four tables set out to make a wreath, a table decoration, a glass filled with flowers, and cards and I managed 3 out of the 4 on offer. Everything that you needed was included in the small fee ( only £8) and they even supplied us with a cuppa and a cake!!

So not to be outdone by the others that looked as though they knew what they were doing here’s my efforts:



My favourite thing I made was definitely the wreath. It turned out pretty well even if I say so myself! Using the fresh cinnamon sticks and dried orange pieces with star anise made it smell amazing. I would definitely have a go at this again next year myself as it was actually much easier than I ever thought it would be.

So what have you all been crafting?

Ideas for a family holiday in 2014

I know we haven’t even had Christmas yet but I do know people who literally book their next years holiday very soon after returning from their last. I also have a friend who is so last minute dot com and still manages to get a great holiday arranged!

I have teens now and so camping is our affordable way to go and they love the enjoyment of the camping itself and all that it entails. But for many years when they were young we actually owned a static caravan which we shared with our best friends. My friend and I would pack up every weekend and ALL school holidays and bundle the kids all in together and have a great time. They totally loved the fact they were with their friends and near the seaside!

Even now they look back so fondly at those holidays remembering all the things we used to get up to while we stayed there, beach days, swimming etc. A close friend even now books a caravan holiday every year!

I also know friends who love to go away for New Years! This is actually the first year my in-laws have gone away on a short break over the Christmas/ New Year period ever! Yet some of my friends have a tradition of seeing in the New Year somewhere new. I can see the benefit of taking a trip away over this time though either with or without the kids.

When I do go away I love to have lots of things around to do, activities for the boys, entertainment, maybe a spa facility if I’m lucky (yeah right)……………I can dream. I like to have a plan and fill the days with as much as possible so I don’t feel as though I have wasted a minute of my holiday or short break.

If your similar to us then UK holiday parks could be an option for you. It is always nice when you have kids to know that when you go you have lots of activities and entertainment to suit all tastes- lets face it and I talk from experience, happy kids mean a great holiday for everyone.

So what has been your favourite family holiday so far?




Haven Holidays fun Guide to Halloween

It’s that creepy time of year again where ghosts and ghouls come out to play.

I obviously cannot talk for everyone but I have always loved celebrating Halloween since having the boys. I have a gorgeous picture of them as little wizards when they are only about 5 and 3 years old. We always had a party with friends and their children and then we went out en masse for a bit of Trick or Treating! We have always used the kids as an excuse to have a party anyway.

The boys are now at the awkward ages of 13 and 15 years old and so don’t really want to do the trick or treating/ dress up, however, they still love opening the door to all those that do to give out sweets.

I’m hoping that as they get older we will be able to start again with ‘proper’ parties where we all dress up as adults and have a disco going and they can all invite their friends! We think that by celebrating these events then the boys themselves will celebrate them when they are grown and have their own kids. I love the dressing up, the warming food and treats and the chance to decorate the house!!

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Haven Holidays

When the boys were small, toddlers actually, my best friend and I had a mad idea of getting a static caravan as a joint adventure where we could spend the days taking our kids to the nearby beach and just have a bit of fun. Both our OH’s worked very long shifts so it made sense that we all spent the time together and let the kids be good buddies.

Now when we went looking we really didn’t know what we wanted or how much it was going to cost. What we did know was that we don’t want to travel any more than about an hour or so away- making it more accessible for impromptu weekends and last minute get togethers. We also knew that because money was an issue as neither of us were working, we didn’t want a caravan on a site with loads of entertainment facilities as we wanted to bring all the kids up showing them that they could have lots of fun without spending a fortune.

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The one where I ended up in A&E!

Yes, there was no avoiding it. There was no other way around it. I had to go to A&E.

That was me on Tuesday. I had gone fishing with y OH and my FIL ( yes I fish- get over it).

I have the season record for the largest fish this year, a carp weighing in at 10lb 7oz, and as Tuesday was going to be our last day out at the lakes I was hoping my record was going to be in tact by the end of the day.

Now it has been said that I would obviously go to any lengths not to have my record broken by my OH- but this was pushing it.

I am not into self harming, so sticking a fecking barbed hook into my little finger is not my idea of fun or a way to keep my record unbeaten!! None the less that is exactly what happened.



This was it after I had local anesthetic and the barbed end pulled through!! Fecking Hell it bloody hurt………..then he decided to get clippers from theatre and snip the end off so it could all be pulled out fully…………to say it smarted a little was the biggest understatement. To add insult to injury he decided to stick me with a Tetanus as well.

So to all you who think fishing is boring, relaxing and nondescript- I BEG TO DIFFER!!

It has now been put on my list of dangerous/ extreme sports.

Needless to say I wont be sticking a hook in my finger again anytime soon.