Tips to help with energy levels – M.E Related

I struggle with my energy levels on a daily basis. Even if I wake up and feel OK ( doesn’t happen that often!) my energy can be zapped by just getting in the shower and dressed. That can be enough to stop me doing anything else for the rest of the day ( I’m so not kidding).

I live in a terraced house and we had a loft conversion done a few years ago now before I had the illness. So my bedroom is 2 floors up!!! This can be horrendous on some days, as you can imagine. Walking up a set of stairs will be like doing the London marathon for me. This is generally Ok when there is someone else in the house as they can go upstairs for anything I need. However, I spend most of my time on my own, my boys are at school during the day and my hubby works shifts!! So along the way I have altered my way of doing things to make my life a little easier.

Top 5 tips on saving your OWN energy:

1. I suffer with the cold so I have hot water bottles downstairs and upstairs. So if I need instant heat and I’m upstairs I just fill it from the tap (as hot as it will get). This saves me going downstairs to boil the kettle and then having to go back up a flight of stairs!

2. When I get dressed for the day and I’m ready to go downstairs I always take the boots or shoes I’m going to need to go anywhere down with me. So although I always wear my lovely thick and fluffy slipper boots inside, once downstairs I then have my boots/ shoes I need for the day ie: for the school run etc.This may seem very trivial to some but all my shoes are kept in my wardrobe (2 flights up!!) therefore I need to make it a routine to always lift them out and bring them down. If at last minute I have to go up 2 flights of stairs in one go…….I might as well kiss goodbye to the rest of my day!!

3. Most days without fail I go back to bed after taking my son to school. By then I would have been up for 3 hours or so and my body is generally screaming out to rest!! (sad I know- I sound like a really old lady). However, when I do wake up like most people I need my coffee to get me kick started. If I’m up in bed that would mean coming down 2 flights of stairs and then back up to get ready………I NEVER DO THAT!! Instead I make myself a coffee that I take up in a flask!!  GENIUS I know lol, but it truly is a life saver when I wake up!!

4. One device I have recently purchased which has been fab has been my Electric Can Opener!! So how does this save energy? Well you obviously haven’t seen me try to open a can……………..IMPOSSIBLE. I have no muscular strength in my wrists and hands due to my M.E, and I have complete numbness in my left hand and arm most days ( gripping anything is a joke!!). So this little device does all the hard exhausting work for me, and it saves my hands from ceasing up the next day.  I LOVE IT!!

5. Ok this one is a true confession!! I have one of those very attractive * cough* old lady trolleys! There I’ve said it and it feels like a huge weight off my shoulder. If I’m on my own and need to get anything this is a life saver. On a good day I can pop to the high street pick up what I need, shove it all in the trolley and Bob’s your uncle. This was a necessity as I was always having to have someone with me when I went anywhere in order to carry my bags ( I sound like the Queen now). However, I’m not out and proud!! I still lower my head when  I go out with my trolley- inevitably I always meet someone I know too! But this gives me an independence on a good day to be productive. Hail the old lady trolley…….YAY.

So there you have it………….my very own energy saving tips to get me through the day.

Can you think of any others that may help or that you have used and want to share?




The ‘Joyville’ that is ……….Chocolate!!

Attention…….ATTENTION. Calling all chocoholics.

Have you seen this, a real life chocolate making machine……….YES really. Now I love chocolate and I do have my favourites, and yes I am one of those people who like to keep theirs in the fridge!! However, I love chocolate in all forms………even when its melted ( I mean melted chocolate surely doesn’t count as your only dipping things in it,RIGHT?)

But this takes ‘chocolate fountains’ to a whole new level.

Have you ever wondered where Cadbury Dairy Milk, milk chocolate is made? You’re not the only one and for the first time this video offers chocolate lovers from across the globe the chance to see a glimpse into the world that is Joyville. What is Joyville you may ask?  The answer is simple it’s the magical mystical world where warm liquid chocolate is pumped through pipes before it’s made into chocolate treats. With a mysterious magnificent, musical giant chocolate fountain measuring 9.2m tall by 7m wide appearing in Westfield pumping 20 tonnes of warm chocolateyness through its pipe the magical mystical world of Joyville has been revealed.  

Not only spreading the joy of Cadbury Dairy Milk, the fountain offered a glimpse into the magical, mythical world of Joyville – the place where all Cadbury Dairy Milk is made. Joyville lives in the imagination of chocolate lovers the world over and is a place powered by joy to stir the fun into the nation’s favourite chocolate. The magical fountain was an opportunity to witness a small part of Joyville as it bubbled into the real world for the first time. Joyville workers were on hand to explain the story of Joyville, taking people on a guided tour of the fountain.

Cadbury Dairy Milk will be bringing more of Joyville into the real world throughout 2012 so keep your eyes peeled for signs of purple pot holes or secret doors – they could take you to the magical world of Joyville.

This chocolate lovers is SERIOUSLY cool…………………and hopefully coming to somewhere near you in 2012!!!!!!


Role Models!

I was tagged a little while ago by the very lovely Evey over at seriously if you haven’t come across her yet then shame on you, get over there she is hilarious!

Anyway, she kindly tagged me in this Who is your Role Model post and that really got me thinking. So who have been my role models in life? I struggled with this actually, thinking who do I look up to, want to be like or have learned from??

Again I was left thinking.

Then I thought about the ‘types’ of people rather than individuals. This made the whole thing a lot easier as I realised I ‘admire’ people for who they are rather than what they are. Does that make sense?

So here goes:

1. Anyone who battles daily with ‘The Black Dog’!

Depression is an illness that can severely disrupt and take over someones life and the life of those close to them. My dad was a manic depressive for many years before he died, although he let it consume him more that battle it. I am in awe of anyone who carries on their daily lives suffering with this illness. Some of the greats have battled from Churchill to Stephen Fry!!

2. People who are happy in their own skin!

We are all different however it seems we all strive to be one thing- beautiful and thin!! (two things I am definitely not). We are forced to believe that if we stray from the stick thin, blonde haired, beautifully made up look then we are less than perfect. I admire those who celebrate their uniqueness, those who see the ‘imperfections’ as part of them and who they are. Success does not come from being the stereotype, Dawn French has not let it stop her!! And Kate Winslett ( ok she is beautiful and has a figure to die for) is seen as being curvy rather than stick thin (and she takes her kit off frequently enough to show us she is comfortable in her own skin!!).

3. Happy people ( those who always see their glass as being half full)!

I totally admire/ envy anyone with this outlook on life. No matter what life throws at them they do not seem to crumble but use it to their advantage. I am a worrier to the extreme- money, work, children, and the what if’s!! Yet we have a roof over our heads and my OH is in full time work and my children are healthy.

I know a few people (one particular friend)who always see the good in people and situations.People who go with the flow and just let things happen knowing everything will work out OK.

 4. Authors

Almost any author in fact. Someone who has had the conviction and belief to put their backside on a chair and type or write until their story is finished. Taking the knock backs until the day their book is published! Now I read allsorts myself however, anything from chick lit to true life stories and most stuff in between, but JK Rowling goes without saying ( with her determination to prove that her story was worth reading).


So there it is! I know I haven’t named names as it were but this was more relevant to me rather than a definite Role model.

Who would you choose and why?


Top tips for keeping warm – M.E Related

I have decided to  share my experiences of M.E with you in the hope of raising awareness for what seems an ‘invisible’ illness. Click here for more information.

As anyone with M.E will know we can still feel cold in the summer, let alone deal with winter temperatures.

I have put together some of my own tips that I use in order to keep warm without breaking the bank by having the heating on all the time!!

Top Tips:

1. Wheat heat pads are a great investment. They are relatively inexpensive to buy (but you can aways check in your local charity shops too). I have several of these and they only need heating in the microwave for around 1m 30 secs and you have instant heat!! They are also good for muscular aches and I use them to ease the pain in my ankles and neck but also as ‘instant heat’!!

2. The good old hot water bottle, it never fails. You don’t need to buy fancy or expensive either. At this time of year they can be found in abundance in the pound stores. I also have a mini one that is great to take with me on the school run as I can warm myself in the car before getting out into the cold to collect my son. Also, a cover is great and helps to keep the bottle warmer for longer…………..but don’t buy unnecessarily- use and old jumper that the kids have outgrown to cover it or make one if your ‘crafty’ enough.

3. Thermals- underclothes and socks. They are truly a worthwhile investment. Again these don’t have to cost much, I have seen leggings and long sleeve tops available in Primark- but sports shops are great for this too. Thermal or ‘heat’ socks I have in abundance and again can be found just in sports shops.

4. Thermal insoles for shoes/ boots. These I cannot do without and you need to invest in a decent set that will last. I have one set at the moment and I transfer them to whatever boots I am going to wear for that day……………….they truly make a difference.

5. Wrist Warmers! I have recently knitted myself a basic pair of these just for wearing indoors. My hands are always cold ( even in the summer) and when I am working on the computer they get absolutely frozen. Knitted wrist warmers either made or shop bought are a great way to keep hands and wrists warm whilst still being able to type, read a book, knit or whatever else you do!!

Hope some of these tips help. I have lots more to share and would love you to pass on to anyone you know who suffers with M.E/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or similar.

It would be great to have an online ‘help’ community that could share what works for them and therefore may help others.


Reading for kids -how important is it?

Reading for kids -how important is it?

reading for kids


I have a love of books and reading.

I don’t know where that came from as it’s hard to remember if as a child I was read to or not. However, as a teenager I definitely remember reading a lot( mainly Stephen King and the like!). Thankfully, that love of reading is still as strong today.

When both my boys were tiny it was part of the bedtime routine to have a story. When they started reading at school it was religiously done everyday.

All of that has paid off as now at the grand old ages of 11 and 13 years they are both avid readers in their own right. My youngest actually got a Kindle for his Christmas present.

However, I do know families where the kids are totally uninterested in reading and no matter what they have tried along the way, it hasn’t worked.

So does it matter whether you start early or not? Does it matter if the parents are avid readers?

Does it matter if you don’t have lots of books at home?

Top tips on how to get your children reading

Watch our video with Jeff Brazier where he gives his top tips on making story time fun


For some parents, a seemingly simple task like reading your children bedtime stories can send them into a nervous panic. But, it’s never too soon or too late to get your children reading and needn’t be a stressful experience. 


That’s why celebrity dad Jeff Brazier has joined forces with the National Literacy Trust today to launch a new campaign to try and help the four million children in Britain who don’t own a book to start reading.


Almost a fifth of children who don’t read say there are no books in their homes, which is why the National Literacy Trust is backing the campaign from  McDonald’s UK and Harper Collins for a new partnership to help get kids reading.


McDonald’s UK is to hand out around nine million popular children’s books with its Happy Meals, as part of a new partnership with publishing house Harper Collins. The promotion aims to get books into the hands of families and support mums and dads in reading with their children.


Watch our video with Jeff Brazier and Jack Sallabank from the National Literacy Trust where they give their top tips to get your children reading. From funny voices to involving your children with finger puppets, watch our video for Jeff’s great tips which is sure to be a success with any child.

So what strategies have you tried to get your children interested in books?

What age group where they when they started showing an interest?

Do you buy books or rely on your local library?

A Wicked Time

That sums up my night out earlier this week.

I had a wicked night at Wicked courtesy of the very lovely Olivia from Think Jam!!

After the experience of taking my boys to the annual Wicked day back in October I decided that I was not going to waste these tickets on the kids who had grumbled most of the day………..harsh, yes I know.

So I decided these would be perfect for a girlie night out- Oh Yes!! And a great girlie night was had by all.

I had taken my mum to this many moons ago for her 60th birthday and had a fantastic time. I absolutely love this show and was just so excited to be going again. However, when someone else arranges it for you I always worry that the tickets either wont be there or that the seats will be rubbish!! I was unbelievably surprised to be sitting literally 6 rows from the front!!! I could not believe my luck ( these sorts of things never normally happen to me).

Just to prove it- with the map of Emerald City behind and our drinks in hand!

Two of my friends had never seen the show before so it was a real delight to take them and introduce them to the phenomenon that is ‘Defying Gravity’ in it’s own right. I think I can safely say they are now complete fans of the show. One of my friends had me in stitches throughout the show with the changeovers in characters…………… the Tinman and the Scarecrow. It was hilarious ”Oh look it’s the Tin man………….Oh look it’ the Scarecrow……….Oh how clever!!” ( LOL it is the prequel to the Wizard of OZ after all!!! )

Although I knew the show there were things in there that I hadn’t fully remembered which was a real treat too. I have to say that Matt Willis did a fantastic job as the male lead.( a conversation that went something like- isn’t he from Busted or one of those groups? With a reply that went………Oh who’s been busted?)  Garlinda was still as mental……….toss toss! Defying Gravity did just that and just blew us away.

Truly it still lives up to all the expectations of being one of the best (if not the best) show up in town. FANTASTIC

Have you seen it? What would your favourite show be?

Parenting fail or just life as we know it?

Parenting fail or just life as we know it?

Recently I have been asking myself this question virtually everyday.

I have two boys, one aged 13 and the other is 11.


In essence they are very, very different personalities, which I think is great. They like different things but also like some similar things too. So why can’t they get along together?

I truly do not know.

Now, I don’t just mean a bit of sibling rivalry, or fighting one minute and then friends the next. NO they are never friends. EVER.

My youngest is a very loud and outgoing character. He has a lot of personality and loves to be centre of attention. My eldest is quieter, more mellow generally and tends to go with the flow, until it involves his brother.

But it is starting to affect the family dynamics.

A family day at home or out is just horrendous. We know it will end in tears, namely ours. It seems as a family we cannot simply enjoy time together, just chatting, laughing and having a joke. My eldest can get very stressed by the whole thing.

At the moment our family life is generally our boys taking themselves off to their separate rooms and shutting their doors to be away from each other.

As parents we try to be fair with their disputes. However, we have noticed more and more that it generally stems from our youngest. He makes fun of his older brother and although we all have jokes at each others expense, his delve into what we believe to be bullying.

Whenever my eldest says anything, and I mean anything, he will be sneered at, or laughed at or belittled as though what he says has no relevance.

We have approached our youngest and explained  how he is behaving.

What makes it worse is that our oldest has very mild Asperger traits ( not fully diagnosed, but noticeable). Again we have tried explaining this to our youngest and have used some books to show him how his brother thinks.


Now, I know you will all be thinking he must be attention seeking. However, he gets a lot more time devoted to him on a 1 to 1 basis because of his acting. I am always with him for auditions and shows. Everything tends to revolve around what he is doing, our Christmas this year was dominated by the fact he was acting in Panto everyday of the holidays.

So I need help. Where are we as parents going wrong?

I cannot see any other reason for it other than our total parent fail!

We try everything, we take things, such as, Ipods  and TV away. There have been times were we have stopped him  going to a party or to friends if he has been particularly bad. We also stand by our word and if we threaten something,  and we ALWAYS carry it through. So you would think he would get the message.

Our main concern is how he treats his brother.

SO I will ask again. Is it A  PARENTING FAIL, or just life as we know it?

Where do we go from here?

It’s quite depressing, for everyone apart from my youngest son.

Parenting fail or life as we know it







Vimto Hot Mulled Berry Punch – a review


I was sent a bottle of this before Christmas in order to test out a non alcoholic alternative to mulled wine.

I like normal Vimto and I’m rather partial to a cup of mulled wine to get in the Christmas spirit. So I thought this would be right up my street!


“…Vimto’s much-loved original flavor has been blended with an enticing concoction of aromatic cloves, warming cinnamon and sweet nutmeg to pack a seasonal punch. Just add hot water for a warming non-alcoholic drink or use as a mixer to create a hot winter cocktail…”

Ok I know I’m a bit late for the Christmas rush but life truly got in the way over December and although I worked my way through half the bottle before Christmas I haven’t gotten around to telling you all about it until now……………….sorry.

Now when I first made this drink up I was a little worried as I found the smell to be a little overpowering. However, as a lover of flavoured teas I had a feeling the smell would be stronger than the taste……..and I was right!

At first taste I was a little disappointed as I thought it was just a cup of hot blackcurrant. Then the taste of the mulled spices kicked in and I was hooked. It did really have the taste of mulled wine without the worry of whether you could actually drive home!

The limited edition was available over Christmas in Tesco’s for £1.89 a bottle.

If we are lucky they may have some still left! I have still some of my bottle and to be honest it is a lovely alternative to tea and coffee as a winter warmer drink. So I will enjoy what I have left…………..until the next time.






2012….I get my life back!

2012….I get my life back!


Well, relatively speaking anyway.

My son has now finished his run in panto this season and my body is very, very thankful it is all over.

The last few days have been spent looking through all the presents again. Taking time to read through books and listen to CD’s and actually play with some of the games that the boys got.

The decorations have come down and have been put away until next Christmas, and the house has resumed it’s normal look and feel. It has been the boy’s last day off today before they return to school and Mr B returns to work. So tomorrow will be blissfully quiet for me.

I managed to enjoy a fabulously chilled Christmas day with the family and my Mum and brother who had come to stay.

That was until my cat made a quick escape past us and caught my mum on the face millimetres away from her eye. These events are not unusual in my house as a few years ago she came and fractured her pelvis trying to play tennis with the boys. Last year we were all ill with ‘Swine Flu’…..     I’m sure you are getting the picture now.

Anyway, the last panto show was on New Years Eve. After, we headed off to Bluewater for a nice meal and a cinema visit before returning home to see in the new year and let off our lanterns with 2012 wishes on.

I haven’t caught up on all my blog reading and Twitter following yet so haven’t seen all of your New Years resolutions. I’ve decided to learn new skills this year and get back to my knitting, something I really enjoyed doing many years ago. But also to learn how to crochet as it’s something I have never attempted.

I cannot go down the route of exercise and diet as my body is taking a long time to recover from the panto schedule. Conventional exercise for me is out of the question at the moment as I suffer with chronic pain and chronic illness.

I’d also like to do more reading as this is something I have neglected for some time. I’ve been given a copy of ‘We need to talk about Kevin’ as one of my Christmas gifts and I’m really looking forward to starting that.

So, that’s me back to normality, with a regular routine about to start from tomorrow.

A New Year.

A New Start.

A New Skill.

How has your New year been so far and what are your resolutions?

Organised chaos or festive meltdown?

I have to appologise big time for complete neglect of my blog over the last few weeks.Also for the very late reviews of a few products that should have been done a long time ago.


Virtually everyday since the end of November my youngest has been rehearsing or performing in Panto ( Chatham Peter Pan- with Vanilla Ice! if your close enough to go!!!). However, it truly has taken a toll on my health. I thought I had my M.E under control to a certain extent. With that I mean I know what I can be capable of from day to day and how much rest I will need in order to get through the day. But this has knocked me off my feet……..literally.

I am now at the stage where I spend most of the day in bed in order to cope with the drive to Chatham and chaperone duties before driving home and going back to bed. I haven’t eaten a proper meal in over a week ( great diet before Christmas LOL) not because I don’t want to but because of the constant nausea I have. I seem to be living off plain biscuits and the odd slice of toast- not great when I have to try and take Tramadol to counteract the muscle pain in my ankles and neck!

I am completely behind on Christmas and have to fit in a food shop at some point for my fresh veg etc. My house looks as though I have refugees living in it and my washing pile is taking over my little study room!

I have spent my day off today in bed until 1pm and then went shopping with my OH as I realised I had no stocking presents for the boys and had some presents still outstanding! I have managed to eat out tonight- my first main meal all week.

I have not even logged online to update or read my usual blogs I like to keep up with. I have Christmas products still waiting to be reviewed. I am back to the panto tomorrow with the next day off at Christmas day.

One thing that has become very clear is confirmation that I would struggle to go back to my job! I have often thought that maybe I could manage a few days a week or a few hours each day. But I have realised that I am able to do the things I do normally because I do not work! If I was to go back then my quality of life would go dramatically downhill. We have had no family time since this panto has started as I am in bed recovering either before or after. I am missing time with the boys and with my OH who also works shifts ( so sometimes is not there when we are!)

So without being a bah humbug I truly cannot wait until the last panto show is over on the 31st December.

In the meantime I will try to get organised, try to enjoy Christmas, and try to at least eat my Christmas dinner!!

Panto is a great opportunity for my youngest who loves his acting, and I would hate to stop him doing something like that due to me. But next year I really will think twice before committing to it!!